One week of using BC Spa, and I'm soo happy with how much of a difference I see from the first pose to today's pose. It may not be as visible to you, as it is to me. Or people who see me every day. However, the change is evident. Not only that!
My eating habits have changed, and I feel really good! I have more energy, and I wake up feeling refreshed, and energized. Anyone that knows me....knows that I was NOT a morning person. I'd wake up hateful, and it would take at least 3 hours for me to wake up. That would include at the least 4 Mt Dews, and several cigarettes. Just to wake me up. I never ate breakfast. In the field of Nursing, who has time. In my world? I didn't. However, I have reassessed that, and there is plenty of time! Final thought.... Reassess your life. What's good, and bad. Do you want to change you? If you do? Keep watching my blog, order your BC Spa from me today. Just $75 to get started. You receive everything + get your items at a discount. There are other options. I'm all about saving $$. It just make cents.....