A very young lady, beautiful, and appearing in the pic to be happy. Sadly was not. She was being bullied by others to the point, she didn't want to live any longer. How could someone be torn down to this point? Simple! WORDS HURT!
A young gril, goes by the name Lisa P. on Google. Committed Sucicide last evening. A beautiful young girl took her own life, to kill the pain and suffering of HARSH WORDS. Sadly upon her death. There is a Lisa P. Hater page! Kids are CRUEL! Let's get to the source of WHY!
Parents are a HUGE part to blame. Too many kids these days are being brought up by them being kids themselves. Their own mentality is not to the level of raising kids. Therefore you have young parents raising teens, who don't care what their teen is up to. We are speaking about kids born from 1996 to 1999...
These kids have no structure. I have kids coming into my own home with no clue how to act, or how to treat another human being. As a Nurse, this is very upsetting. We are supposed to be healing kids, and being influences to their daily lives. This young lady had been noted as being bullied. No one did anything to stop it. She felt she couldn't talk about it with her parents. She felt no one in her home life cared. They blew her off. They don't have the proper mentality to stop what they are doing to guide a child. A school teacher, school nurse, counselor, or principal should have caught this to their attention. Why didn't they step in!
Bullies are people who are insecure about themselves. They don't have the confidence that others do. Leading them to act the way they do. Some fit right in with them. Usually 2 or 3 others. They run in small packs. Preying upon those that do have some confidence. Finding themselves and being who they want. A Bully will tear that YOU down if YOU allow them.
How do you stop a BULLY? Simple! Stand up for what you believe in! Don't allow others to get into your head. Speak up for yourself and let Teachers,
Counselors and Principals know what is going on with you! Get help. There is nothing wrong with asking for help.
If you make it through High School, and you most certainly will. This is a great opportunity to make a change! Stand up against BULLIES! Find someone you can trust to be there for you.
Parents! This is a growing problem in today's society. What was allowed back in your day and time. Is no longer allowed due to kids ability to obtain guns. Kids can be VERY VERY CRUEL! Know what your child is doing at all times. If you have a bad feeling about something. Check it out. Be on top of what your kids are doing. You can, and you should. This problem MUST get under control.
Start a NO Bulying Campaign. Know how your child speaks and deals with other kids. It is vitally important to step up to the plate. Your kid could be the victim, or could be the BULLY!
We all want to believe that our children are the sweetest on earth. They may be in our world. Sadly, our children are not the same people outside the home. They know that either mom and dad don't care, or mom and dad will never know. If parents are paying attention! Parents will see just how their child behaves away from home. Stay Informed.
Pray for Lisa P. Anyone, not in the parents shoes, would understand the devastation. We can only imagine! RIP Lisa P.