Saturday, August 17, 2013

Bullying Part 3

I just watches the movie Bully. I have posted twice before about my son who was bullied over his Acne. If you have not watched this movie, I highly recommend it.

Back when I was in school. I too was bullied. I was and have always been a big girl. Just my build. I didn't ask for God to create me or my children the way they are. However, God creates us all equal and in his eyes. 

I believe our children are gifts from God. I didn't have easy pregnancies, and I didn't have easy deliveries. However, I was old enough to make the decision to get married and 4 years later decided to have my first child. Each 2 years apart. However, I've brought my children up in Church, and knowing gods word. Unfortunately, this where our society has fallen short. 

I'm 41 years old. My youngest, the young gentleman I speak of, my son, is the topic. No longer bullied because I sought every avenue to help my son. What I'm asking of you. As a parent. Please have a relationship with your child that is one where they can come and speak to you. 

There are more of us, parents, that try to keep a very good, loving, caring home for our children. Whether you place God or Church in your home is your decision. I'm not hear to preach. Just want to express the concern.

My son watched this movie tonight. Explained to me how he was treated like most in the movie over Acne! Are you kidding me! Why? Let me explain. My son had a very reflective moment from my own childhood that has enraged me once again. 

As he explained. It comes a time, when you take it for so long, that you start being a bully yourself. Let me stop you there! Absolutely NOT! My child explains how he was punched, slapped and marked on because of his Acne. Nothing that was brought to my attention to this great nature. He said, "I felt mom, like you were embarrassing me by making it a point to call the school, have meetings, address those kids' parents. To the point where I needed to toughen up more." WRONG!

Parents are here to protect their children. We didn't go through 9 months of getting fat, being sick, and feeling the joy of being a parent, all to have our children treated this way by those parents children that don't care about their kids and what they do. Or the snobby parents that just give their kids whatever and have children who don't appreciate anything or have to earn what is given to them. 

Stand up and speak for your kids. At the end of the movie. My son looked at me and said, "mom, I love you. I'm thankful now for all that you did to help me. I've come out of my shell because of the products you have me on." I've been in tears since be hugged me and told me this. I never knew just now much my child was completely picked on. Now I know. 

So, I beg you, as a parent to stand up for your children. These children should never feel that they are worth nothing, just because some low life family doesn't take care of their own, or a snobby family who just keeps handing it over all for them to feel like they are better than mine. 

We are created equal. We are all Gods children, and we as parents should preach that into our children. It you don't believe in the Bible. That's for you. At least teach your child to be good, and descent to others. Treat others as you would want to be treated. That's what our children should know. 

To help those in need. For those that their parents are too uneducated, lets help them get educated. Remember, we can't help those who don't want to be helped. That goes for the rich, snobby parents who are too busy at their job functions to care about what they are "giving, just handing over" to their children to make sure they stay "out of their hair".... 

Parents, I urge you to speak up. Don't let this be your child. Children should NEVER see suicide as the resort. They day your child feels that? You need to have seen the signs before then. When they don't talk about school. When they become withdrawn. When they have bruises of unknown origin. When they wear long sleeve shirts in the summer, because they are cutting themselves to take away the pain. These are all the first signs.   

Please pay attention, and please do all you can. There are places you can go to get help. Take that help. Seek out the school and the local authorities. This must end. 

Stay in touch. Talk to your kids. You loved them enough to bring them into this world. Love them enough to care, and carry them through. 

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