Friday, August 23, 2013

Lip Apeel

I'm thankful this TGIF for BeautiControl and their famous Lip Apeel. I received much sun yesterday, and simply put? Dehydrated. I woke up at 2:44am EST, with one very swollen bottom lip... 

I immediately got up, and placed on my Lip Apeel, took off the dead skin, and put on the moisturizer. Thank goodness. I woke back up and my lip has gone down immensely! 

There was a lot of dead skin on my lips from the sun yesterday. Only moisturizing one time with BeautiControl Lip Balm with SPF 20, didn't help my case. So, back in my purse goes the LipApeel and it will be used frequently today. 

Jumping in the shower and then utilizing my BeautiControl Detox products to moisturize and rid some extra spots that got red. I'll be in great shape for what the day brings today. 

If you haven't taken advantage of the products savings on my website, please do so soon. These savings will not last long. 

Looking forward to a great weekend! And, some much more needed fun. Only possible to do this because of BeautiControl. If you want to learn more about our products and how they can not only take 10yrs off your age, but give you the capability to travel when you please. A business that goes with you anywhere. Ask me how... It's almost been a year for BeautiControl and I. Loving the freedom is great!! 

Have a great day! Much love to everyone!

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