Thursday, February 20, 2014

What's Your Excuse?

I have heard every excuse under the sun! 

1. It costs too much
A. It's $2 a meal... Can you eat healthy that cheap at McDonalds?

2. I want to make money, but it costs too much.
A. If you don't take the chance on you, where will you be? Where you have always been. Working for someone else!

3. I don't think I can commit to this every day.
A. Then you are not committed to yourself and your success. We can help you. Are you ready for our support?

4. What if I don't like it? Or it just doesn't work?
A. Send it back for a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Believe me. I've heard it all! If you WANT to lose or gain weight. I'm here to help you. All the knowledge you need is at my finger tips. 

What's your excuse again? Let me hear it. I've got the answer for you! 

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