Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Living Again!

For those of you who do not know my history, here's a quick run. History of lymphatic leukemia, thyroid cancer, DJD, Sciatica, Migraines, Left Total Knee Replacement, and Menopause. Who believes this is a great way to live? I'm only 42 years old! 

I didn't and I still don't want to live like this. I'm way too young!  I have found the answer to my health. EvolvHealth! All Natural, and my passion and quest is to help everyone I can. 

Energy Loss
Weight Management

Let me give you some advice. Focus on YOU, and the weight? It comes with you getting healthier. Let me explain. 

If you feel better. You will want to do more, and be more self conscious about what you put into your body. You will want to get out and walk. You will want to go to the gym. You will want do more with the family. How exciting is that to you? For me? It has been unbelievable! 

I'm back out of this bed. I'm on Family Walks, weather permitting. I get up every morning with the family. That's a positive within itself. I'm able to do the stretching exercises my Dr gave me to do. 

I'm absolutely loving my life I've been given again! I was on every pill a Dr could have handed out. I don't know about anyone else. I don't enjoy taking pills! Chemicals of nature that destroy the Kidneys, the Liver, the Heart and the Lungs. I want All Natural Healing from the earth! I've found it! Now! It's time to spread the word. 

I'm stepping into your town, your State, and I'm speaking to anyone and everyone! This is NOT about money. This is NOT about ONLY helping myself. I'm on a mission. A mission to help people. 

If you want to reduce inflammation and pain. Reduce the Stress and Cortisol in your daily life. Increase your Energy. We highly encourage you to contact us. We are always available to help you. We will come to you via phone, or home. Speak to you in great length to get a better understand of your needs. We are here to help you. Live another day for YOU! 

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