As a Nurse, I thought I knew my health status very well. Over these past 13 years. I thought I had gotten my eating and diet down to a science. Then I realized, your health is a balancing act. Everyone needs good and bad in their diet. We will never be able to eat completely clean. Now you ask why. Why can't I eat clean and be healthy? It's not possible or you will damage something. Something very important to your functioning daily. Your heart!
There is all this Hype to lose weight. There has been a loss of focus. The focus is not on losing weight. The focus is on our knowledge to get healthy. Note: McDonalds just put out their 3rd Quarter report. $1.3 Billion dollars for the 3rd Quarter. How many of you were the $1.3 Billion? We can say that we were a part of that. Why? Convenience! Pure convenience. We are positive that many of us find ourselves in this situation. Did we make the right decision? That can be a yes or a no. Depends on how you look at your health. Are you eating McDonalds every day? Just because it's convient? Or, are you like others that when it's convient you just grab and run, and that may be once a month. If you are finding yourself everyday eating McDonalds? For that matter, ANY fast food. Have you thought about your health? How healthy are you?
We need certain Vitamins and Minerals every day to keep are arteries clean, and are heart at its best. We don't deny that God plays a role in our genetics. Some things are just out of your control. What IS in your control, is how you take your body. Does that start from when we are born? Sure!
As parents we try to feed our children only the best foods. Education is the key. Starting now, and through daily research, you can teach children how to eat the good and as well, teach them good and bad fats. We need all the above. It's the balancing act that you have to follow in order to stay healthy and strong. Everyone believes Milk is good for healthy strong bones. We feed our children milk as babies, and encourage it. For a healthier bone structure. Have you researched Milk? The Hormones in Milk? This plays a major role in kids development. Water, another important key. Have you had your water tested? Do you know of any harmful affects that may be in your Water? Key is education. Everyday there is a new learning curve to your health.
When you eat healthy, you get stronger. We are not able to receive all the nutrition we need from our daily diet. When we eat right and place the proper nutrients that we cannot get out of the food. We then feel better, giving us the ability to capture more exercise into our daily activity. More activity leads to a healthier you.
Take control of your health. Start today, and receive the life you deserve.
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