Monday, April 14, 2014

Are Purpose & Motivation The Same In Terms?

On April 11th, we blogged about What's Your Motivator. Over 50+ or you read our blog. Today I want to review Purpose. Why Purpose? If you have Motivation, You have Purpose. Definitions of Motivation and Purpose. 

Motivation: Something that motivates; an inducement or incentive.

Purpose: The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or a goal: 

There are so many reasons why we get up and go to work. We go because we have to pay rent, electric, food, gas, etc.. That's if you are single. Those are the basics to start. Then we have a partner. When we love someone, we have lost the desire for ourselves, and changed it to US. So now your Pupose is about the protection to the two of you. One person always accepts responsibility to the house. Yet it should be an equal effort correct? Both should take ownership. Not always can this be the case. You accept that person for who they are. They have strong points, as you. Weak points, as you. 

We then come to either your single or your united with someone. If your single, you still are struggling inside with something. Most the time. It's that your not feeling completed. You want more. What is your Pupose to Motivaton? Work is old, it's everyday. Yes, we all have Stress with work. Yet we have some type of something that hits us about the day. Maybe it was how you helped someone, and that gave you a great sense of gratification. Maybe you bonused today, and your thinking about what to do with that bonus check. Maybe that "special person" said the one thing you love to hear, yet you held back. Something gave you Motivation to keep going with your day. You are thinking about it over and over and pondering what it all meant. 

People ask me all the time. What motivates you to keep helping people. What's your purpose? It's me. Truly me. Now don't take that as selfish. If you have read our blogs you would understand why. 

Why am I the reason to get up? I want to LIVE! I want to SHARE! I want to LOVE! I want to HOPE. You must love YOU! If you don't love you, then you cannot love others. Many of us throughout the world suffer from many ailments. Ailments you don't see, hear of, even know of. Many of you judge performance without knowing that just maybe that person is over worked and stressed out. Could be as such, and it could be so much more. 

My husband and I work to Help Other People Evolv, HOPE. There is always something good in someone. Find it. It's there. Don't judge a book by its cover, and from the words of Pharrell, "take away all those people out of the picture, and who would I be?" "Id be the kid from Virginia." He explains how his Grandma was his motivator. How his music teachers where his inspiration. He is his purpose. Yet he doesn't allow that to overwhelm him. He looks at all those who helped him, and he's grateful everyday. So, laugh at his hat, laugh at his style. Yet he's humble, and he knows what his Motivator and Purpose is. 

Evolv is based on you! What is your commitment to purpose and motivation to better health and better wealth? We are hear to help. If you are struggling daily with pain, stress, energy, weight, fibromyalgia, migraines, etc.... You need to contact us. Find your Motivator, and your Purpose. They are not the same. It's a compliment to each other equaling YOU! 

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