We deal with all types of Stressors. What are the triggers? Unknown to many as well as Drs. One, small thing can set off a Headache or a Migraine. Something that we don't believe couldn't have bothered us that much. It happens, unconscientiously.
What are the answers. Being a history sufferer of Migraines. Those Migraines leading into 7 different times of Light Strokes (TIA). There are answers other than Tylenol, Advil, Excederin Migraine, etc... Those OTC meds go chemically into the body and destroy the Liver and the Stomach. While eventually needing to excrete. Causing damage to the Kidneys. Why put your Health and Welfare at that stake? I'll tell you why. Because that's what you have been told by the Dr. Same as for myself. Just take the Imitrex, guess what? Bad reaction. Just take your Topomax. Don't get me wrong. Topomax worked, until I became immune. The dosage we up to 150mg twice a day. Literally could not remember what I needed at the store when my house was only 1/4 mile from it. Would have to call my kids. All to forget again while I was in the store. Very frustrating to the kids and myself.
It was time. It's time for you too! Take control of your own health and well being. It's time to start Living Again! Don't let aches/pains keep you down anymore. Start your Evolv Plan today. Watch the video and call me. It's that simple.
I've been a Nutritional Health Nurse for 14 yrs. I stepped off the floor to Help Other People Evolv. My passion is to save you money and your Health. We only are handed one life. It's to live. Not to destroy it.
Watch the video, and contact me for your very own one on one consultation. Let's get started today.
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