Sunday, April 27, 2014

Love Yourself

Being a young kid, can be hard. Being an adult can be just as cruel. How do I know? It wasn't easy growing up obese. I was tormented daily by classmates and upper classmen. I've heard it all! Back then, you dealt with it. Maybe not in the best of ways, but I do not recall ever seeing or hearing what I have over the course of 20yrs as a parent. 

I'm watching parents be so consumed in their own life. They have forgotten the true meaning of being a parent. You have to give up material items, and some of the fun you use to have.  You have to be a parent and not a friend. Does that mean give up on yourself totally? Let yourself go? No, it means knowing your children and what's upsetting them and what's giving them courage to move each day. We live in a "convient" world. McDonalds, Jack N The Box, Arby's, Wendy's, and my kids favorite, Taco Bell. All of which are not just convient. They are unhealthy. Loaded with all the wrong nutrients for not just kids, but adults too. My kids lived off McDonalds for a number of years and it has cost their health. Who's fault is it? It is clearly mine. I was busy working and McDonalds was the quickest choice. Clearly the wrong choice. It's never too late to change the habits I created. Yet, I had to do them slowly. Introduce the ideas of Healthy eating versus UnHealthy eating. 

As a parent, and adult. It is our responsibility to protect our family. We desire our kids to bury us, and not the other way around. It's never too late to change your household and make it better for everyone. Here is when I became concerned about my household and what a slap it was. I became more concerned about my children's health after hearing "low self-esteem" comments. Thinking, where did I go wrong? I know now, Evolv has not just saved my life. It has saved my kids lives too. Hear their stories. 

I have 2 teenage girls and one teenage boy still at home. My daughter is overweight, my foster daughter is underweight. My son is overweight. Here's the difference, and what I hear. 1) no one wants to be with a fat girl. 2) I hate my body. 3) why am I so big? People think I'm going to crush them. All negative behavioral speaking. Let's change this, and explain why it occurs, as well as why are children are having to go through this. 

First we must start with changing things gradually. Children and teens don't take to changes of great nature that is vast. "Baby Steps"... Start by telling your children how handsome and beautiful they are. Every day, don't leave them at any point without telling them. I love you, and remember, your beautiful. Bullying, and hatred remarks come from those who are jealous of them, and have low self-esteem of their own. Parents who are unaware, or do not care that their child is bullying. My daughter has always been very confident in who she is. She's always walked around and said how beautiful she is. She truly is beautiful. Her faith in The Lord, her attitude to Help Others. Her love to put someone else first before her. Yet, I saw a sad daughter too. She was being bullied, she was being threatened, and it was getting out of hand. I sat down with my daughter and explained that weight is not the true issue here. It's about being healthy. Those who have low self esteem will try to take you down with them. Changes began. She was diagnosed as a Hypothyroid, back in 2008. Medication was issued, and told "she should see a drop in weight fairly quickly." When we noticed the first 30 days was no change, it was time to modify the thought about how to eat, and educate on what to eat. We began slowly. Remember that kids can get turned off easily from quick changes and being told "you have to eat this and not this." It just makes them want to eat what they shouldn't. We also dealt with issues of pain/inflammation from the car accident 2 years ago. Displaced hip, and the pain has been unbearable on most days. It was time to entertain more healthy foods that assisted in digestion, inflammation and pain. Natural Healers, and that was Limitless, with research deeper into other foods. Now, she is 21# down, and her pain is minimal. All due to Evolv, and changes in eating habit. She eats more fresh fruits and vegetables, and she has taken Soda out of her daily routine. She has had a rocky past year, but has made great improvements since this past January 2014. She joined #HOPEHeals.....

As I mentioned, I have a Foster Daughter the same age, and she is diagnosed Anorexic. Bipolar, and Severe Depression. Making her to not have a desire to eat. Depression is a silent killer. If not treated correctly, there is a greater tendency to sucidial thoughts. There is HELP! There is HOPE! Both of these girls were placed on #HOPEHeals. Limitless gave her energy, desire to get up and move. Placed her on Evolv Shakes, twice a day, and Acticate ATP. Increased energy and focus, yet you cannot deny Depression is still present. It's one step at a time, and it's baby steps. She has now placed on 10# and feels better than she had. Daily battles are rough at times. Yet, Evolv has made the difference. 

Our bodies do not receive all the nutrition we need from our daily intake. Our body is full of toxins and poisons from poor eating, and all the meds that we consume. Being in a depressive state, how do we shake that? You can never clearly come out of depression unless you want to be happy. If it's your body that is getting you down. STOP! Your Beautiful! You are you! There is nothing wrong with you! You are wonderful and you have an awesome personality which makes your smile contagious. Focus & Re-focus. Let's move forward and not live in the past. I do urge you to seek out a Psychologist and/or Psychiatrist. If you do have these issues at hand. Getting healthy can be fun. It never has to be a struggle. Psychology, and Educating about Health & Wellness go hand in hand. It's never hurtful to see someone that you can vent to, and help you. It's guidance at the optimal best. So, where do you start with kids and teenagers? If your asking, "what about adults?" There is HOPE! #HOPEHeals.

My son is a big kid. He is a Freshman, and looks like he is in his 20's. His issues are ADD/OD with weight concerns. He has had major depression and suicidal thoughts. Never give up on your kids, they are a work in progress. With your guidance, your children can make it through life. Take an interest and help them. HOPE! We needed to get him focused and change his eating habits. He's a nervous kid and bores easily. So, it was time to re-direct his thoughts on food. Expand his eating tastes. We placed him on Limitless, one Evolv Shake for Breakfast, and he drinks 2 Activate ATP's while at school to stay focused. We he is nervous, and distraught, he drinks FIX. A stress reducer and cortisol reducer. Assisting with focus, and weight loss. He is down 45# and feels better than he ever has. He is riddled with Arthritis, and being a big kid. We needed to get him off Ibprufen. Limitless was the answer. No longer in pain, and able to move like a teenager should. #HOPEHeals

Let's review what we changed to help our children. You can do this too. Add Evolv products and start without the Soda, and KoolAid. We searched out Flavored water. Not carbonated water. As well as bottled water. We then began with Evolv Limitless. An all Natural Beet Extract that detoxes the body, and gives you energy with appetite control. As well as, reduces pain and inflammation. Taking one in the morning and one at night. 

They decided that since they don't like breakfast, however needing that protein for brain power. Chose the Evolv shakes. They enjoy going to the grocery store and choosing their Organic Fruit. It didn't cost anymore than your current health is costing you at the Doctors office. Which one do you choose? Pointing this out to my daughters. They chose health. They disliked having Doctors visits and being ill without knowing that all they were being told was the exact same thing, I was telling them. It hit home when Dr. Conley explained their health, and how many times they had been ill in such a short time frame. How they needed to change their eating habits to get healthier. How it's not about getting "Supermodel Skinny". It's about being Healthy and Strong. They had a Dr confirm what mom had been saying all this time on how the illness began, and how we can turn it around for the better. To stay out of his office and spend our money on them. Not the medications and visits we were needing about every 4 weeks. All from poor eating habits, and induced stress.

They were complaining of no energy. So, we added FIX. Two reasons why. School is stressful. Stress produces Cortisol. Cortisol is fat created by Stress, that attaches to the belly area and shuts down your ability to desire to let that brain work. They drink one in a bottle of water, twice a day. All Natural Berry Drink that is in a small packet. Added to water and shook up, gives you Energy, Reduced Stress, and a Calming feeling to help them focus. Giving them reduced stress and focusing capability. We have been on Evolv for 57 days and I've seen better self esteem and love for themselves grow over 57 days. Now I don't hear, "this fat girl loves to eat." Or, "I'm so fat I need to lose 5# this week." All this was due to convenience, and not taking time to listen to my children. Now, there is no fast food. No take out, and no soda is in their life. They love water and Green Tea. Small changes in eating habits and with Evolv Health, we have not seen a Dr in 57 days. I don't have medical bills flowing in, and they have stayed out of the Drs office. How nice is that? You have no idea. 

It's the smallest things that can change our lives. We all have a story in our life to tell. It's whether you want to tell that story or keep it hidden. If your hiding that story, you haven't hit the point of reality yet. Don't be afraid to admit that your depressed, or that your unhappy with your body. Don't be afraid to admit that your looking at those models and wondering why you can't be like them. You don't want to be like them. They are 9 out of 10, unhappy. Look at yourself every day and tell yourself how beautiful you are. How pretty your smile is, and how you make other people laugh everytime your around. 

Join EvolvHealth, and pick your formula today. Take what you spend in "convenient" eating versus being Healthy. Dropping the obesity ratio and Drs visits. Think about it. You will be surprised when you look at what you spend. 

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