Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Power of One

What is the Power of One? Read further to find out. First I want to give an update. 

My husband began the Limitless program, as he learned very quickly that at age 44 he's not able to do what he could at 22... He was setting up a doctors appointment for the daily pain. When I stopped him and asked him to take Limitless. He said, are you sure it's going to work? So, I laid out the examples of all the changes he's see in me. 

Limitless allowed me to rid my life of 9 different pills, and allowed me to get back to walking, and exercising. I'm not exhausted after going a full day and I'm sleeping thru the night and waking up ready to start. With that said, he took a Limitless and headed to work. 

My husband called me later that day at lunch, and said thank you babe. I feel so much better. I have so much energy to get my area cleaned up and I'm going to work OT. Shocked! I told him, you GO! 

He has has not missed a day of Limitless and has worked 14 days straight. He's waking up refreshed and full of energy. He has added Activate ATP, what is that? It's a Natural Energy powder drink. Lemon flavored, and All Natural! He drinks 2 day. He's reduced his appetite, and increased his energy. Can you relate?

If you can, I highly suggest you join the Power Of One. Join and recruit one person a month to join you spread the word of HOPE. HOPE means, Helping Other People Evolv. If you can help someone no longer be in pain. Rid GERD, and increase your energy. Why not join our EvolvHealth team. 

Join us today! 

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