Thursday, May 8, 2014

Healthy Living: Part I

Deciding to make a change for the better is very difficult. We get set in our ways over time. Most of us "old school", do not want to change. We are afraid. What are we really afraid of? Change? Or the fact that we make the change, struggles occur, and we do not want to take the chances or the risk. 

We have to look at life in only one way. We get to live once, and only once. Do we make the absolute best of our life? Do we do as we please and throw it all away with our attitude never changing. What is it that you would like to change, but afraid of doing so. Content is what we feel, yet in the back of our mind, we really are not happy. Discussion will begin with what is plaguing our lives, and halting you from living. This may be scary to hear, but it is the truth of our society today. 

Let us begin with the number one killers of our Men & Women. The point that will be made on this blog is happiness to your life, and how you can still live. We will start with the men. 

Number one killers of Men ages 30 to 60.
In this order, we see the #1 is heart Disease. Why do we not take care of our heart. The organ that feeds our entire body. Without it, we are dead. It is treatable. How, you may ask? Through proper nutrition, and supplements. Number one supplement is Limitless.  This 100% All Natural Supplement, taken orally through capsule formula, it is designed to regulate blood flow, reduce pain and inflammation. Eliminate the toxins in our body that build up around the heart killing men daily, hourly, and by the seconds. More men die by Heart Disease than women, due to increased stress and increased body fat. We can reduce all the fatty content we place Into our bodies, just by making some small changes and increasing our activity. It's Simple. 

Cancer is the #2 Killer of men. Why is Cancer more prevalent in men than women? What do men do more so, than women? Eating the wrong foods, and exposure to the increased dangers to their environment of working. Allowing FREE Radicals to attack those weak spots, and form into Cancer. We can stop all this just by adding Activate ATP, Limitless, and FIX. Getting these 3 products and making a few different changes in what we eat, how much we are eating, increase activity, and be mindful of our work environment.  It's Simple. 

Let's look at the Women. This is very interesting:

#1 Heart Disease: this condition is responsible for 29% of yearly deaths in women. Women more so in their 60's. Why do you believe it is touching more women in their 60years of age? It's is due to being over weight. Obesity takes a toll, and years of stress going untreated. If you are finding inability to walk a flight of stairs, and have not yet been seen for this concern. Suggested research notes, that you should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. What can you do in the mean time to reduce the risk? It's Simple. Drink a Protein Shake twice a day. Take Limitless twice a day, and get FIX. What can these products do to decrease the risk. Protein is what most women lose over the course of getting older. Women are working and taking care of the home. Running the kids around and eating conveniently. Fast food is the #1 item of increased obesity. Not just in women. In our society as a whole. Women need proper nutrition and protein is where we need to begin. Meal replace two with a protein drink, sugar free with no preservatives and no artificial flavors. 100% Natural protein. Take these protein shakes and make them packed with fruits and vegetables, to receive other nutrients you do not receive daily. Many of us are so use to stopping by McDonalds or Burger King to get a "quick" breakfast, and lunch. What if you made that small change and drank a protein shake twice a day instead and made your snacks fresh fruits and vegetables? Do you know that what your placing into your body with "fast food" is killing you more quickly than if you made this change to a healthy protein shake? 

Acticate ATP, is a powdered packet, placed in a bottle of water. Shake it up, and drink. Taking those FREE radicals and flushing them from your body, so as to prevent Cancer and Diabetes from occurring. Increased energy and stamina. 

Limitless, taking one capsule in the AM, and the PM, 20min before you eat. Increases digestion and eliminates acid reflux. Detoxifies the body. Cleansing those toxins that have built up over the years from poor eating, medications, stress induced over the years, and cleans the body. To answer the question if it gives you Diahrrea? No, it does not. It regulates the body, and takes away pain/inflammation, detoxifies, and gives you energy and stamina. Regulating blood flow of the heart, and giving you a healthier choice to living longer and happier. 

FIX is a Berry drink, All Natural. Powered packet. Place into a bottle of water and drink. Releasing stress accumulated daily from job, kids, bills, running around wondering what's next. Receive a calm feeling, and increases digestion for better absorption. 

#2 Breast Cancer: this is second to Lung Cancer in the leading cause of death to women ages 35 to 60. Women are encouraged to follow up yearly for breast exams and mammograms. There are FREE places for women without insurance to receive mammograms. Encourage others and yourself to get this completed yearly. Educate yourself and others about the risk, and how to detect. 

#3 Osteoporosis: 70% of women are diagnosed with this disease. Increase in numbers each year. Women continue to develop bone mass until the age of 30. After the age of 30, it's about maintaining good, healthy bone structure. 

As we have touched on a few key points, and given you knowledge about why EvolvHealth Products are very important to daily living. There is HOPE. Many of us live daily with known diseases that are not seen by the eyes. They are internal. People with chronic illness, such as pain, are judged with these words that have been heard, and hurt. "She looks fine to me, why does she need a handicap sticker." No one but that person knows what they have going on, than to be judged. No one can judge someone else's pain. No one can judge someone else's heart concerns. No one can judge someone else's diabetes or cancer. Until you have walked a day in their shoes, please do not judge. It hurts to hear those words of why this or why that. You don't know or understand until you have been in their place. 

In what we are trying to convey. It's SimpleHealth. Making a change for your sale, and your families sake is not a bad idea. What you pay to eat out, and what you pay to make that "convenient" stop, is only costing your health. We have to make decisions that are good for us. We have so much to live for. Our bodies and minds are what we should focus on. Increasing our activity levels is very important. 

What we are asking you to focus on is this. If your in chronic/acute pain. Living off Tylenol/Advil is not the answer. All Natural Limitless is what will help you, and keep you from destroying your liver and your kidneys. Giving you more energy, and with energy we get increased activity. Want more energy, all natural? Grab an Activate ATP, and drink two a day. With increased energy = activity = weight reduction. It happens naturally. One goes hand in hand with the other. 

Our bodies start saying no, I don't want a McDonald Burger today. I think I'll go to the Salad Bar today. Research good vegetables, and protein. Place those into your salad. Remember, just because the dressing says fat free, if you like it fine. If you don't. No harm with what you do like in moderation. We do need fat in our diet, with portion control. It is all possible. 

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