Monday, July 14, 2014

What Is Your Why?

Why do you get up every day, and go to the same job? Day in, and day out. What motivates you to do what you do? Is it the money? Is it just "what you know to do"? Is it that you just can't see a bigger picture? What is your why, for not doing more for yourself? 

We all understand that money is what makes the world go round. Is it your motivation? Do you really love what you do? Do you enjoy being away from your family and kids? Do you enjoy working, just to survive? If so, this blog is not what you want to hear. 

I have worked since I was 13yrs old. I'll never forget getting my first earned week paycheck. I thought I was rich beyond belief. It made me strive to do more and work more. Go to College and get out there and work my body to death. Now at the ripe age of 42. Death is what I was facing. I had literally worked so hard and so much, that I was not only burnt out. I was no longer happy with life. I was completely willing to just throw it all away and no longer live. I no longer had a "why". Then I realized the one thing I had totally forgotten the day I was baptized. I was to live to please The Lord. I was placed on this earth to not only make myself happy, but The Lord happy. I wasn't doing either. I was miserable. 

As I was facing the Drs recommendation to either look at another round of Chemo/Radiation, I had decided right then I was done. Life was over and I was so unhappy. Blaming everyone and just completely outraged. Then the moment of truth hit me. I'm suppose to be happy and living through Gods word. His will! So, I could sit here and just give up. Or I could fight with all I had about me. 

Everyone these days wants to live, love and laugh. For all the right reasons. We are human. We should be enjoying life and being thankful to The Lord for all that he has done for us. What was it that was going to make me happy? It wasn't about money. What did/do I enjoy that will make me happy. Why do I want to do what I'm about to tell you. 

I wanted to be my own boss for several reasons. I have always worked for someone else. As a nurse you don't work for just the employer. You work for the people you take care of. They pay you! Not the employer. See, your employer is making money off the people you take care of. That employer doesn't give 2 cracks about that person we are devoting our every day life to. They just want their money, and they want you to kiss that customers ass to see to it they are happy and the family is happy. What about my happiness? See, in the world of nursing. No one cares about you! Not even the person your taking care of. They firmly believe that you should bow down and do anything and everything for them. Because they are the ones paying your bills. Not your employer. Being a nurse means you care about helping others. As much as I enjoyed helping the sick, elderly and children. It didn't matter how much you cared. Did they respect you? Some! Not everyone does. It was time for me to step away. The employer no longer gave 2 cracks about that person who was dieing in front of my eyes. They were already working on who was going into that room immediately upon death, so they could keep the cash cow coming in. Sickening right? That's our world people. Your not a person at that the point your a patient. Your a dollar figure. It was time for me to move on. Be my own boss and find my why.

I did find my why. After many days of speaking to The Lord and asking him to give me guidance and direction. He spoke to me. He told me that I love people for them being people. That is true! I love people for who they are, and they are not a dollar figure. They have a heart. Heart of gold, heart of stone, a heart of what ifs. Many people don't see this. Don't take the time to just look at a person and say, your a person too! It was time for me to make a difference for someone else. Work for my happiness. 

Today, I love being alive. I thank The Lord every day/night for giving me another chance to help someone else. Our health is vitally important. For me to have almost gave up and became a patient, who would have been someone else's dollar figure? I don't think so! It's time for me to help other people not be a dollar figure. That starts with your health. Change of subject real quick. 

For those avid coffee drinkers. Do you ever forget to have that cup of coffee? No, you don't. If you were in a facility,  they would give you the coffee they serve to everyone, whether you liked it or not. Yet, that facility is to promote giving you a longer life of happiness.. Right? They dont care. Your money is all they want. They don't care if they are meeting your diet needs. They sure don't want us nurses trying to teach you a better way. Why? That would mean that you could go back home and live healthier and keep your money. Don't get me wrong. Many ppl do need a home to be taken care of. You have many nurses, like myself, who care, and care deeply. I would get so attached. Because I care so much. Most of us do. I've seen many nurses and aides who go, "hey it's a paycheck." Not thinking one minute that your a person. 

If you haven't followed my blogs. Or looked at my website. It's time. It's time to find your why. My why is to help others be healthy and happy. In return, I am doing Gods work, and I'm returning that back to the church. Why? He saved me. He washed my sins away. He suffered on that cross for me to live. In the end. As stated earlier, it's NOT about being a "millionaire." It's my why that keeps me going. I desire to help others live, love and laugh. 

Live for you! Stop doing the same thing day in and day out, if you don't love what you do. Be your own boss. Be who you want to be. 

Ived missed out on soo much with my kids because bosses don't care about you! You worked me to the ground and hoped I would keep doing it for YOU! No! If I would have kept going? It would have been for the people! Because I only cared about them. I missed Birthdays, Holidays, my kids first steps. I've literally missed out on their growing up stages. Because I didn't place my life into prospective of how family is more important. Fifteen years I dedicated my life to companies that didn't care about their employees. 

See, you may not believe that your not working in an MLM company. YOU ARE! Your just the employee. You are working for a company that only provides you with ONE thing. The one thing that holds people to do the same thing day in and day out. Security! Guess what? You dont have SECURITY anymore in your job. Anyone can do your job. There are hundreds of fresh college grads that are out there looking to take your job. There are also hundreds of fresh college grads that have caught on to how network marketing is the only way to live FREE! There are 16-25 yr olds out there getting the picture of life in the network marketing world, and who are living the fullest of lives. We don't know all there whys. We are not here to judge their whys. We can learn from them. With our knowledge and wisdom, we can lead them into a world of being thankful for what God has given them at such an early age. We can change the world, one person at a time. 

I ask you. Do you want to be happy? Then take that leap, and keep your faith and belief in prospective. Give yourself to The Lord, and he will provide. Give thanks. Be grateful, and LIVE! What's your WHY? 

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