Friday, December 19, 2014

6 Simple Stretches To Ease The Day of Stress

Whether before breakfast, before or after lunch, or before or after dinner. These 6 simple stretches will ease stress and give you energy. 

Did not sleep well last night? Awaken with your mind running? Can't sleep? Not able to relax and work with concentration? Just can not focus? These 6 simple stretches will help to decrease stress, anxiety, and give you increased endorphins for a healthier body. 

Each morning, before getting out of bed. Drink an 8oz. glass of cold water, or 1 bottle of water. Lubricates the joints, and kick starts the heart. Next, we start with stretching. Work each stretch for 5 minutes. You have now reached a 30 minute workout, and your calm, ready to start your day.

"I'm not a morning person. I run up against the clock every day. My life is just too hectic." STOP! Wow! That was too much. We must find time to relax. Unfortunately, a vacation is not in the near future. Question is... Can you find 30 minutes to stretch out and elongate the muscles. Release toxins from the body, receive a 30 minute exercise, and find peace to your day. OF COURSE YOU CAN! 

We make decisions every day. What clothes to wear, what to eat, to how we want our day to go. Believe it or not. You choose how your day will outcome. Having a positive attitude by saying, I will, instead of, maybe I can. I will, determines how you can change your day. I will workout today. I will change my health, by eating more clean. I will go to work, stretch out during lunch, and decrease my stress. I will not come home and have a bad night. I will workout after work. I will eat a healthy meal, all three of them. I will start eating healthy snacks. I will help others repeat these positive actions. 

What you do reflects how you act, and how you look. Some people want to put on an appearance. Othes want to be who they are. Never be someone else. Always be you. Follow us tomorrow, as we continue to make a change and provide others with our #healthmovement. Thank you for reading. 

~Michelle Ralls~

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