Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Depression: Do You Suffer?

Depression? What is the definition of Depression. Depression ranges in seriousness from mild, temporary episodes of sadness to severe, persistent depression. This horrible disease kills thousands of people every day. Someone is taking their own life as you read this. This disease affects every age, and race. They appear normal, fine you would say. Never knowing that they suffer. Or that their mind is having horrific thoughts and they just cannot turn them off. 

Clinical depression is the more severe form of depression, also known as major depression or major depressive disorder. It isn't the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder. This type of depression has enhanced mood swings. As well, the mind is terrorizing the individual. 

Help is available. It does not always require a pill, and it does not always need a doctor. (Severe cases please seek help from a doctor) Many times we fall into depression due to our age process. Men develop depression around the age of 40, naturally. This is their mid-life crisis. Women tend to fall more into a deep depression due to hormones. Thyroid can be giving up, or can be over producing. 

Adolescents is the more progressive time to see depression. That change from Middle School to High School can be a very scary time. If they do not adapt well, then bullying stands to get in the way. Your child, or sibling has a greater chance of falling into their prey. They are seen as weak. When all along, they just needed a friend to get them through.  Sadly, they may attempt, or commit suicide. Imperative we be in our child's life daily. Know their concerns, and acknowledge they have issues. Telling your child to grow up, and cope with life. Just sends them further into a depressive state of mind. If they don't have mom & dad to talk to. They don't have friends to talk to. They feel they have no one who cares. Same scenario for adults.......
What is depression like? It's like drowning. Except you can see everyone around you breathing. 

The clip in this picture is exactly how an adult feels! We are moving along each day. Trying to make our goals and do what is right. We are keeping a house together. Trying to get through college, and work. Everyone knows that unless there is a silver spoon somewhere. You will be working for your college education. It can be done! It is not simple, or easy! Yet, it can be done. 

Support! What is your support system? Do you have family and friends to lean on in time of need? Are they or is someone close to you when you need to yell, scream or cry? These are healthy releases of depression. Support of this nature is needed. Someone you can talk with. Yell at for a few minutes, or even just scream! The healthy aspects are much greater than sealing your fate to death. Many believe and many of you don't, that Sucicide is a one-way trip to HELL! We are not to question. Knowledge is given. We have to choose are own belief. Before that goes too far. Seek help! 

In any town, community, or city. Support groups are amongst you. It is no different than having an AA Support person or a NA support person. It is a person who will listen. A person you can trust to listen as not judge you. That is the worst fear right? You don't want to be judged for your thoughts. You just want to be heard, and you want the pain inside to stop. I so agree! 

Let us stop the cycle today. Let us find a regime that works. A good, clear, and happy person needs to work from the bottom to the top again. And you can do it! You have the desire to make the pain stop. We have the desire to help you stop. Before harm comes to too many people. What you do affects everyone around you. Think of them. They love you, and will be there for you. If you believe they cannot handle your concerns. Then turn to someone who can. Find a local support group. Get back to where you started. How can we help you. Let us know. Our goal is to get you healthy again. Mentally and Physically. It's only a decision you can make. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

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