Thursday, January 1, 2015

Keeping It Positive w/Michelle

Good Day, and Happy New Year! This is a brand new day, with a brand new way! We will keep you positive, offer you opportunities, and educate you for this 2015. We look forward to being your number #1 morning read. 

Day 1: New Year 2015: My goal is to reach out to 1000 viewers daily. Inspire others to wake up every morning with a positive outlook, and the desire to make a change for them. I have planned out a wonderful daily blog. Each day for 365 days, you will have an opportunity to learn something new each and every day. So! Let's get started! 

The goal with Health & Nutrition is to not make drastic changes right away. This can discourage you from continuing. Right now you are hyped up, and probably have already started. Question is...will you stay inspired? Every day is a new day. What happened yesterday is in the past. A new day is a new future. 

Let's begin with water. I know! Why start there. Lifestyle changes are being made. Those changes should include hydration. Especially if you jumped the gun and went to workout this morning. 

TIP: 5 glasses of water is required a day.  (JAMA 2014),Notates, 5 glasses of water keeps your body hydrated and flushed of toxins. HINT: Water clears your skin. Making the skin supple and hydrated. For young adults, skin breakout can become more clear. 

One bottle of water is 2 cups. What I like to promote is 5 bottles a day. I don't believe that is too much. Start with the morning. Before getting up and out of bed. Consume over 30 minutes, 1 bottle of water. This is your time to eliminate toxins. You will feel better, and with that comes more energy. We have now boosted your Metabolism. Feels good!  Pretty simple, right! 

Our next bottle of water comes at 11am. 5pm is the third bottle of water. One hour prior to each meal, consume one bottle of water. This process fills up the stomach, and when eating there will not be more than a normal consumption of each meal. 

This simple process allows for the beginning of a Healthy Lifestyle. One small step. If you didn't start today, and your planning on a Monday start. Take these simple steps, and work each day up to Monday. 

This is your new life. It's about Healthy & Happy. 



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