Setting daily goals are a positive, as well as weekly goals. I set my daily goals the night before. On Sunday, I have made it my goal to set up my week, and see how well I can accomplish these tasks. I believe it to be imperative to stay on track with good health, and promoting my business.
It is a time to reflect back each week, and set the goal a little higher, or lower. Why do I say lower? Sometimes, when setting goals, we set the bar too high for ourselves, and we don't think that it's unreachable, until that week is up, and we are looking back. What would have been a more attainable goal? You are disappointed that you didn't reach the goal. Don't be disappointed. Observe the set, reassess, and notate a more attainable situation for you. One of my goals this week, is to plan my Open House Beauty Control Spa party. It's a broad goal, that can be a daily accomplishment. Also, plan my weekly diet with adding more fruits & vegs, + get my whole house involved in the fun of planning healthy meals for this week. Enjoy your day. Love to all!