Looking at then and now, it is quite evident that the coffee industry is here to stay and grow. The question, through research is, where is the Healthy coffee. It became obvious that people are really not aware of Organo Gold, and the Health benefits of Gandoderma.
Organo Gold coffee, tea, mocha, latte, and hot chocolate, offer the Health benefit of Gandoderma. What is Gandoderma? It is the "King of Herbal Medicine." Known for it's Herbal "traditions" to the Chinese and Japanese. Gandoderma has many Health benefits that you receive in one cup of Organo Gold.
For over 2000 years, the Chinese and Japanese people have used Gandoderma as an elixir to assist in AIDS relief, Cancer relief, and other fatal diseases. Gandoderma has no side effects, and you cannot overdose.
What does Gandoderma bring to the benefits table with Organo Gold coffee, tea, mocha, latte, and hot chocolate? Decreased fatigue, restores stamina and energy, heals & fights allergies. As we know, this year is the worst for allergies. Wouldn't a cup of Organo Gold Organic coffee, or tea be worth the cup? Waking up sneezing, runny eyes and nose from allergies is a miserable way to start your day. Due to this Chinese Herb, Gandoderma, it doesn't have to be that way. Let's take a look at the bigger picture of how Gandoderma can benefit your daily life.
Healing begins when you drink Organo Gold. Not only proven in the Gourmet, Premium Coffee and Tea line, it's the makeup of Organo Gold that cannot be disputed. Those who deal with forms of Liver Disease, Lung Disease, Diabetes, and Heart Disease.
The healing powers of Gandoderma in Organo Gold extend to reduced pain/inflammation, increased immunity, inhibits the platelet aggregation, and reduces blood pressure. Enhances blood sugar balance with decreased blood sugar levels due to the polysaccharides of Gandoderma A, B, & C. Enhances plasma insulin levels and increases the glucose liver metabolism.
Now we know how Gandoderma benefits your health, placed with dark roasted Jamaican Beans, and with our Tea, Ginseng. Why would you not order Organo Gold coffee, tea, mocha, latte, and hot chocolate?
Organo Gold is only available through your local distributor, or thru our website. You can safely order and have it delivered to your door. It is cheaper than store brands and can be setup to automatically ship to your home every month.
If you see that Organo Gold is an opportunity for you? Contact us for how we can help you get started. OG is 100% Guaranteed. Not satisfied? Send it back for a full refund. Personally, I never drank coffee daily. Too bitter and the after taste was horrible. When I located Organo Gold, I gave up Starbucks, and threw the Folgers 5lb can in the trash. I only want and desire healthy in my home. The benefits and taste out weight the products in the store. Plus, I'm not able to get those health benefits delivered to my door, nor have that great taste I've longed for. I'm now able to drink 3 cups a day, and I can make it iced, or warm. Same as the tea. Check us out, and order today. What's your flavor? Maybe it's everyone of them?