I've worked since the age of 15, and been on my own since the age of 16. I've networked Herbalife, Avon, Tupperware, Scentsy, Velatta, and BeautyControl. What I have learned over the course of years, is Social base. Consumable products, and Healthy is the new way of life. Not everyone grasps the concepts. Yet, not everyone has the knack to network market, or at least believes they do not. You may be surprised at just how well you can do in the network marketing industry. To start, you must have a leader who cares if your sinking or swimming. You also must be willing to help yourself too. Why do you want to network market? Is it because you need extra income? Is it because you want something to do on the side to have fun with? What is your "why". What will drive you to push yourself into the social scene? Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone? All things to consider.
I was working with Visalus when I saw many things that went array. Lesson learned. Research your company and their products. Know that it's for you. Mistakes can be made, and it may, may not have been intentional. Know your company and their intentions. As well, is it a fit for you?
When I became involved with EvolvHealth, the research was intense. Today they are still in the beginning stages of growth. Growing rapidly, and many reasons why. Testimony after testimony. There's your answer. The proof to their company is astounding.
As we all are aware. Our Health is a top priority. Our insurance premium is based on BMI and waist size and weight. Whether you smoke or don't smoke. Whether your a caffeine drinker or not. How healthy are you, is making your health premiums higher or lower. Good thing? To a degree it's definitely not a bad thing. There is no harm to healthy.
EvolvHealth and Organo Gold gives you the best in many worlds. If you are into your health, these are the best two companies you can use. Products are true to their claim and the product approval is in writing. Can't be disputed and it's solid. That's a company you want to be with. Whether it's just to take their product and get healthy, or market their product. Simply put, you cannot go wrong.
Why do I network market? Our future, as we plan it, doesn't always work the way we believe it should. We have residual bills. Question is, do you have a "for sure" residual income? No, you don't. Just as I believed I did. I walked I to my job, and was told I was being let go. My position was being eliminated. What was secure? Was not remotely secure. Did I have a Plan B. Yes and No. I needed a more marketable plan. Research, and teaching myself. Using my Business Management Degree, Psychology Degree, and Nursing Degree gave me the opportunity to network market. There is always something to learn, and if it is not broke. Don't fix it. God has plans for everyone. You don't know what your future holds. What you do know is what you can control. I control what I make, and how many hours I work. You can do the same. Never give up, and always have a back up plan in place. You can still work your everyday job and network market. Check out these sites, and always keep your mind open.
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Le' Gold
Shiny Diamonds Evolv
Michelle Ralls