Saturday, December 27, 2014

Heartburn Haunting You?

All those wonderful meals I had over the Holiday. 80% of us left with Heartburn, Indigestion, and overall STUFFED! Questioning myself over and over. "Why did I do this to myself?" I have the solution, and I didn't wait long! 

It is a no brainer for me this Monday morning. The last Monday for 2014... I'm full of toxins! Yes! Toxins! I'm not use to eating home cooked, from scratch, rich in flavor foods. Throughout the year, I'm eating fresh, healthy food. This Holiday left me, each night before bed, with heartburn, and just miserable! did I eliminate the misery? Simple!

It's time to eliminate the pain, and upset stomach with Visi Rensa! As simple as one dose daily for 10 days. This product has no side effects. Rensa goes into the body and flushes out the bad and leaves the good nutrients in the body. My current question for you. How many of you went to the drug store and purchased Pepto Bismol? Maybe you believed Ranitidene was the answer. I can assure you that neither of these products helped you. Especially in the long term process. 

Over The Counter (OTC) products are okay for very short (one time) term use. These products are very harsh to the body. Stripping the body of Magnesium and Potassium. Keep in mind that Potassium and Sodium are imperative to the body, as they keep our balance.

Rensa can assist you in a healthy balance to ending the heartburn. Plus, cleanse the toxins out of the body. Once a month, take Rensa to clear your toxins. 

Results with our products vary per person. For myself? Rensa is the only option for me. Will take the 10 Day Get Fit In '15? We want to hear from you. 

Thank you

Challenge: Get Fit In 2015

We are 4 days away from starting a new year. Another year with another opportunity to change your life. Will you invest in you this 2015. 

I am taking the Challenge for 2015 with Visi. I'm investing in myself, and changing my life to follow the #healthymovement. I created the #healthymovement two weeks ago. I want to help others succeed in a healthier lifestyle. Because it is not about being #skinny. It's about being #healthy. 

There is a rise in eating disorders. We must stop the damage these young adults, college students and middle age adults are creating. Destroying their Liver, Kidneys and Heart. Eating disorders are just as prevalent today, as they were 25 years ago when I realized myself, I had done severe damage to my body. 

I went to doctors, psychologist, and therapists regularly. To realize! It's my problem. I don't love myself enough. I wanted and desired model skinny. That's a fisad! I cannot be model skinny. I don't have the body structure for that. What was I thinking! I was thinking I could be more than I was. I was seeking attention to my body. I had been bullied all my high school years. Listening to how fat and ugly I was. I demanded myself to change. 

It has taken my health, my life, and it made me a bitter woman. I have spent this last year changing me! Yes! You must start with you! 

As a nurse of Fifteen years, I've managed and coached diabetics, fluid restriction, and calorie controlled individuals to better health. I have teamed up with Physical Therapists to assist those in need of low impact excise needs, to my own Personal Trainer with Club Fitness. I've learned that working on self-esteem is vitally important to maintain a positive, healthy lifestyle. 

In 2015, Im encouraging everyone to take the "Get Fit in '15" Challenge. We give you an opportunity to try our product and services. Should you sign up for the "Get Fit In '15" Challenge, before December 31, 2015. You will receive the year 2015 FREE with my Personal Nutrition Guide, and my Personal Workout Guide Daily. 

My goal is to help 100 people. I want to see 100 people, before December 31, 2015, make a decision to #change. #Choices we make, impact our lives daily. Im taking the 10 Day Challenge & the 30 Day Challenge. We must make our world a healthier way, and place to be. We must show our children that eating healthy, and clean eating are key to a better life. We can still have what we like. We must maintain a healthier lifestyle. That begins with Visi. Join me before December 31, 2015, to receive these services. To save another person from making a poor decision. 

Thank you for reading,
