Sunday, January 5, 2014

Challenge Help

The Challenge is on! Who's ready to join in the 90 Day Challenge? Money Back Guarantee! 

I've been challenged to 3 ppl by January 9th to not only join the 90 Day Challenge, but to turn those challenges into Project 10 Challenges. What does this all mean? 

One, take the first step to fight Obesity.
Two, each purchase made feeds a child in Hunger:  from your local food bank
Three, when you join Project 10, make a video before you start, show the scales, and when you reach 10 pounds? Make a video showing the scales, and you are in the drawing for the next 10 weeks for $1000 + a T-shirt that says "I Lost It".

It gets only better from there. Choose to continue to be a Customer, or Promote yourself. Nothing says you like showing off how much healthier you are. 

This program is NOT about getting skinny! Let me make that very clear. This program is all about getting healthy. You choose the healthy weight, an please! Consult your Dr if you have serious health issues like myself. 

My goal is to continue deleting pills prescribed by my Dr. Of which I have done. I was severely Anemic and Vit D deficient. I NO LONGER have to take Vit D or B12 Shots, and NO MORE Iron Pills! 
This week I go back to the Dr to hopefully NO LONGER be on Potassium, Lasix, or Blood Pressure meds. 

If I can do this program and reduce my Drs meds. Why not! Do you want to continue to be a pill popper? As I call myself. Or just get healthy and be able to live? I WANT TO LIVE!

I took 6 different programs for my doctors to review. I knew I needed to take charge of my life. I'm 42 years old. I'm not getting younger, yet feeling 94. Unable to handle stress, and weak all the time. Doctors just want to keep handing out pills. As a nurse? I'm tired of that process. I watch this daily in my care of overweight ppl. They are finding out they are diabetics. They have high blood pressure due to being overweight. Why continue to do this to yourself? 

Family and Friends love you. That's my way of thinking. So, I have 5 kids. I need to be there for them. They need me. Even though the youngest is 15, I know they need me. I had to do this for myself, and them. 

Newly re-married. I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He needs me too. I've never had someone love me as much as he does. I want to live and spend as many years as I can with him. If you love your spouse, and children. Stick around longer. 

Out of the 6 diets I asked for them to review? This was the only one they said YES to. Why? Both my Cancer Dr and my MD said it was the healthiest and could meet all levels of needs for those with health issues. They stated the success ratio for keeping the weight off was higher than any other diet out on the market. Plus? I was not willing to chance a another pill + racing heart. 

Are you ready? Join today. I will contact you and I will be your personal trainer for the next 90 days. Over 100 shakes for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner. Only replace 2 meals a day and eat 3 healthy snacks, as well drink 64oz of water a day. 

Not able to drink water right away? Work yourself gradually into water. I use to drink 6 to 12 cans of Mt Dew a day. I only drink 1/2 bottle of 16oz Mt Dew now. Took me 120 days, but I'm grateful. 

Ask me questions, ask me for further details, or call me. I will help you in every step of your 90 Day Challenge. I'll guide you to the right package program as well. As a Nurse? My training in a nutrition is extensive. I'm ready. Let's start before January 9th. You & Myself will reap the rewards to our benefits. 

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