Friday, March 14, 2014

Loving Life! Are You?

Today is the 8th day. What does that mean right? Why should you care? Let me give you the reasons:

Do you have chronic health issues? 

Do you trust the Dr to hand you another pill, and not think about the effects those chemicals are having on your body. Don't take me wrong. Dr's are here to help you and get you through those times and needs. There are just some health issues we cannot get past. However, there are many things we can do to help ourselves. It starts with YOU! 

How many times have you woke up, and just said, "Not today." We all have. Sometimes more times than we should. That's are loss of energy, and loss of will power. Don't you want that back?

How many times have swollen joints and chronic pain been too much for you to withstand? Have you resorted to pain pills? How much Tylenol and/or Ibprufen have you pushed through your body? Did you think about all the chemical build up? Those items cross the Liver, then the Kidneys. What doesn't pass through, stays in your body and builds. Leaving a heaviness to the body. That reflects to your moods, and your continued health. 

I stopped Visalus on March 5, 2014. I started Evolv on March 6, 2014. Today is March 14, 2014. 8 days later. I have chronic health and extended health issues. I have lived off pain meds for years. As a Nurse, it has just blown me away. In the respect that when a Dr is seen by one of my patients. I get frustrated. They just say "ok Doc." Here we go. Another pill. No! Not anymore. It's time for me to take control. I've not had a breakthru pain med since March 9, 2014. Don't get me wrong. I've had my days. I just don't want to do this "pill after pill" if I don't have to. 

I feel better. I look better. In living again. I'm out of the bed daily! I'm up at 5pm and in bed by 10pm. I have had insomnia for years. I've slept every night, through the night since March 9, 2014. I feel awesome and here's the proof. 

Enjoy the day! I'm taking my kids out! 

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