Many of us are gearing up to lose weight. Most of us have been on some type of change to our health for sometime. Whether making progress right now or not. Determined to make a change in our health, is key.
Water is key to your daily health change. Notice I don't refer to your health choice as (Diet). Take the (T) off diet and you have die. Most "diets" do not follow up with good nutrition. They do hit the key point of water. Water is important, but how much do you really need to drink?
Latest study on water consumption is 5 eight ounce glasses a day. How do I get more water? Through your food intake! Many foods have water to keep you from that one big change you notice. Constipation. It happens to us all. We start out strong, eating either what we are told by Weight Watchers or given to us by Jenny Craig. Did you know that your not getting all you need in these health choices. Many of these styles to health change are loaded with Sodium. When our body needs a healthy balance to our heart of potassium and sodium. Hence the great app MyFitnessPal.
MyFitnessPal tracks your daily intake. Your daily steps, and you can log activity from exercising to house cleaning. As well, you can see with each meal how well balanced your eating. Since I'm not a red meat eater. I can tell you that the best meat to eat is pork. Pork is loaded with water when cooked right. Better ways to get your protein is with fish and chicken. I prefer fish to receive my protein.
Fresh vegetables are key to receiving water. Did you know that Broccili is 90% water? Great way to add water to your diet by steaming or eating it raw with some Hummus. Yummy! What about fruits?
Fruits are not only a good way to receive water. It's a great way to receive natural sugar, and not added sugar. As well, you stay away from artificial sweetners that our FDA cannot give us straight answers about. So, why take that chance. Keep your healthy choices fresh.
Questions about coffee. Everyone that drinks coffee, yes, you are taking in water. However, your taking in caffeine too. Caffeine is a dehydrator! Yes! Dehydration is amongst all of us who drink coffee, soda, and tea. Many of us don't seek out the better products to assist our health change. When making choices to change the health. Make it slow. Making the change too quickly leads the body into further dehydration and leads to constipation. Choose Gourmet coffee with organic sugar and no caffeine. By the way, decaf coffee is still dehydrating due to the elements of the manufacturing. Be careful to your purchases. Soda cravings will change as you slowly implement more water into your life style change. Let's not get lost yet! What's even more important as to why water?
Water flushes the body of toxins. Hydrates the body and skin. Did you know that women receive wrinkles more quickly due to hormone changes that depletes our body of water? That's not all. Women are more likely to have constipation concerns, due to increased health changes. As women get older, and today's generation of women, they would rather take a prescription to heal than consult a health change. Why fill a doctors pocket book. Fill your own.
Health change and choices are the campaign for 2015. Choosing Visi to get healthier, not diet. As well, change your coffee to Gourmet OrganoGold. Make your 2015 a year of Healthy Change.
Thank you for taking time to educate. Join us at Le'Gold on Facebook and Visi Me, as well, on Facebook. Education is key to our future.
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