Friday, January 30, 2015

Prevent Aches & Pains

It has come time to answer the increased questions.... What are you doing to change your health & feel better. The answers are here! Let's begin with the common issues millions of people suffer from daily. 

Suffer from arthritis pain? This disease process can be stopped before it gets too bad. All by changing a few foods and eating them regularly. To begin:

     Avocados: increase your intake by 2-3 times a week. Reduce pain, while increasing bone density. Decreased potential arthritis by 52%. These beauties and their unbelievable great taste reduces inflammation and cholesterol. 

     Fish: increase intake by 2 times w week and receive increaed circulation and the best part about fish. Selenium intake, giving you strength to the cartilage in your body. Keeping joints strong. Making them stronger. 

     Beer: Believe this? I do! Consumption is a regular dose of 4 times a week. One cold mug of a frosty beer reduce risks of RA. (RheumatoidArthritis) reduce the risks by 22%! Small doses of alcohol increase immunity enzymes. Hence the reason why alcoholics rarely become ill. I do NOT encourage alcohol consumption. If you have issues with alcohol, please do not utilize this product. There are many others vegetables and fruits. 

     Milk: they have said for years that "Milk does a body good." Research shows Milk increases bone strength by 32%. Milk has calcium and amino-acids to assist the body with repair and strengthening of the bones. Increased strength, easier bones and joints work with your body. Reducing pain and increasing repair.

     Grapes: 2-3 cups a day of grapes, any kind, can send relief to the pain signals caused by inflammation. Studies show that 2-3 cups a day of Grapes gives the body joint healing. If you have those kids who like to pop their fingers and so forth.... Please explain why they need to stop the process and start with eating Grapes. This fruit is simple to keep around and inexpensive. Simply place them in the healthier program and see after a period of 4-5 months consistently consuming how you will be able to walk, bend, climb, stoop, and increase exercise routines by 70%.

     Vitamins & Supplements: finding the right Vitamin and Supplement has not always been easy. Which one works and will there be side effects. There can be side effects from anything you eat, to anything you drink. Trying every product on the market, our family has found Visi's all natural products to increase movement and decrease pain. As well, summer months are the worse for Vitamins A, E, & C. Visi allows you to replace these vitamins and minerals, as well, provides Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein. 

      Collagen: A type of protein. Collagen is in the human body to support bones, teeth, skin, cartrlidge, muscles and tendons. Hence Visi's program, Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein, a soluble  protein. Giving strength, energy, and the return of collagen to heal those areas in need. 

     Protein: Found in meat, beans, eggs and cheese. These products can be high in fat. They also have good fat. Millions of people are vegetarians or vegans, and our protein levels are lower than should be. With Visi, our Hydrolyzed Collagen protein replaces and improves the loss of vital protein. 

Protein & Collagen are the hardest to replace/replenish. We do not make great choices in our health. Giving us many imbalances. Imbalances lead to inappropriate eating, and disease processes. We must provide our body with Optimal Health. Take these suggestions, and implement them into your daily health routine. Give yourself an opportunity. Your health is the most important part of life. Make it better and start here. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Richness..... What Is Your Belief? Will You Make A Difference!

Energy! Getting up this morning I was loaded with energy. I just couldn't get over how good I feel. My mind is clear, and I'm up. I'm awake! It's a great sign! It's amazing! Does everyone feel like this? 

No! Everyone does not feel like this. 

Many have asked. What keeps you going after all that you have been through. My husband! My kids! My love for life! Most of all.....VISI! I know what your thinking. Just another promo! Absolutely not! The promo is at and you can find all the details there. I'm talking about me! How and why everyone goes through what they do. 

Clearly! No one ever said life would be fun. I've had people look at me and say, why would God put us through so much heartache every day. He doesn't. You do. When you wake up. You determine your day. You decide what attitude will set the precedence for the day. 

Waking up is a blessing from God. Did you thank him today? You have food. Did you thank him today? You can walk. Did you thank him today? You can speak and see. Did you thank him today? All these we take him for granted of what he has given us. Start each day with a thankful prayer to the Lord, and see how this turns your days around. You will see the positive. There is more. We take each day for granted. Why we shouldn't. 

Brought up to respect the Lord and all his blessings has kept me humble. All those living parts are blessings. Many others do not have what we have. We all have many things different. Why? So that we are all different to each other. Being thankful and rejoicing in all the Lord has given is blessings. Many people believe in richness. We are all rich in Gods eyes. We have our health, our family, our friends. Oh! You believe your only rich with money! 

Money is the root of all evil. Being "Rich" does not mean how much money you have. Money is about living. Money has nothing to do with love. If you are with friends or with someone because of social money stature. Re-examine why again. For those purposes, that is shallow. 

Blessings are all around. You have so much to be thankful and grateful for. Let the Lord know that you are grateful, and blessings will abound you for better days. Consistency is key. Say it daily, and see how your life turns around. Your health will be better because you made a change for the better. A meeting between you and Lord is due. Say thank you and your life will be rich! What's more important to you. Richness in the Lord, or money rich that you cannot take to the grave. Hmm..

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

Friday, January 23, 2015

Secrets Out!

Today is the day! The day that is anew. You woke up this morning and that is not the only blessing, but the best attitude for the day. It starts your positive thought process for the day. Why be so positive today? Because you can, you will, and it makes you more humble.  

Today we change your life! Ageless Beauties is making daily lifestyle changes. 



Ageless Beauties is helping your life to change. Change for a healthier way of living.  What can Ageless Beauties do, to make that happen?  


Secret is out! 

And now?........we must tell! 

Every day, 10 new people are signing on for #GetFitIn15.

#GetFitIn15 is a part of the #healthymovement. Both go hand in hand. We track your progress from either Hastag. When you join our program, through Ageless Beauties. Part of the program is track your good/bad days. As well, we guide you through, with our Professional Staff, to better health over the 2015 year. That is the entire goal! How is this helping you for 2015? 

It's Simple! 

The latest products out on the market keep you guessing. What product is the best one to assist with weight loss. We desire a plan that is simple. Does not make drastic changes to my life. Assists with no hanging skin when I have met my goal. When I lose this weight over the 2015 year, I do not desire to have a tummy tuck or a liposuction. I want my body to come back naturally. What product does this? All common questions and legitimate. Many have turned to insurance for the simple LapBand system, or the Gastric Sleeve. Sadly, insurance will only pay if you are ridden with medial issues, and even then you must meet the assessment needs. Another criteria, you must be grossly obese. Not you, or not something you would consider? Then you are back on the market for................................VISI!

VSI has released the Exclusive AC2 Technology with proprietary blend of Artic Cloudberry combined with Hydrolyzed Collagen. This power house, when placed into the body. Delivering power antioxidants to nourish, hydrate, and protect the body. Healing the inside of the body, and giving the outside firmer skin. The VISI program is 100% Natural & Safe. Simply place the 10/2 program into your day, and watch the beauty work. 

We are changing lives in someone every day. This wonderful team is not only a Professional Staff of Nurses, and Doctors, but Customers! Real customers with Real results with Real testimonies! See the testimonies and hear their stories. See my Personal Story that airs Sunday, January 25th, on YouTube! How can you get on board with Visi? Follow the link below. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Your Child Needs You

Young individuals struggle daily with identity issues. Concerns about how they don't fit in and where do they fit in this new world they just stepped into. This is a pivotal turning point in their lives. Parents either are or are not on the same page as their child. We should be the roll models at this point. Yet, that has dewindled in our children's eyes. 

Working in public, and many times in the schools. Watching these teens (Freshman to Senior) it is amazing the different cultures and stereotypes placed on these kids. It is no wonder that kids emotionally and stressfully eat. This is their coping mechanism. Kids talk, and they speak out of the mouths of babes. Yes. They know right from wrong. They know that they shouldn't speak on their home life, but they do..... 

These young teens deep down hurt. Boys and girls are going thru natural hormones. Some before others. In the end, and when the day is complete?  Over 3/4 of the students in your community are deeply hurting. Are you, parents, really observant to your child or children? 

I, as well as many other parents, are caught up in life. We have work, home, kids, and then a recap of the day before bed. We do not receive many hours of sleep. Constantly tired. Just trying to make it through each day. But! We have a responsibility to these kids we chose to have. That means time to say, how was your day. How are things going in school? Haven't see _________. What are they up to lately. How come I haven't seen them. They use to come around all the time. 

These few questions opens the door to conversation and stimulation to the child. Giving your child the ability to vocalize frustration, and know in that comfort of conversation, they can trust home. Trust that mom and dad are there to listen. Never try to tell them what to do. Offer analogies, and keep it vague. When they don't understand, explain. But! Keep it to their level. One thing young teens do not like? Long hours of explanation or "what happened to you." That is the last thing they want to hear. 

The personal relationship with your kids is vitally important. Don't foget, you can appear to have a great home life. In the end, did you really know your child? Good kids can turn bad. Good kids can have emotional disorders that you just don't want to see. Open your eyes. If your kid is using food to absorb themselves, there is an issue. If your kid is wearing long sleeve shirts in the heat of Summer. Check them over. Something can be hiding under those long sleeves. Going out and spending many nights out with a certain friend, and they have acknowledgement of liking alcohol. You need to take caution. 

Bottom line, talk to your kids every day. There is no perfect parent program. If there were our children would all be the same. How would that favor our society. It would set for a bleak life.  Give your child a chance. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Women! Are You Suffering?

Years ago I begged for the Menopause days. I possibly should have kept my mouth shut. I had suffered so much with being a woman. Don't get me wrong. I love being a woman, and many will agree with me. That one time a month....... Well, you just wish it never existed! Many women suffer greatly from their periods. The pain is so intense that many of us miss days from work, and teenagers  miss school. It is not uncommon. 

Menopause comes in stages. You are either Pre-Menopausal, Menopausal, or Post Menapausal..... Lovely right! As if Menopause wasn't enough. Haha.... Your welcome, and I'm very sorry. Many of us feel helpless and just do not understand. When this all begins, there is no warning.... Or is there? 

There are warning signs all over the place. Noticing them, that's a different story. So, what are the signs and how can we get our bodies back into control. We feel as if we are on another planet than everyone else. Quiet frankly, we are! 

Mood Changes: this is where it all begins. Our moods change, and they change drastically. It literally goes from one day you are the absolute sweetest person, and in less than 24 hours. You are the worst peson ever! Small things or comments that would have never bothered you before, wel.... They will eat you alive! You feel no other way than compelled to give your opinion. Sadly, you will give more than an opinion. You will have flown the roof, and the fight begins. What to do! 

Taste Buds: this is where you start showing how odd you are right now. Remember that meat you did not like? Well.... Your eating it and loving it. Your family is shocked, and thu want to know what's up. Thinking it is just a phase. But wait! Remember how you absolutely detested cottage cheese? Your digging in and and having cravings. You desire, like being pregnant, that one item or q couple of items and you have totally freaked out your family and friends. You have started your first excuse as to why your tastes have changed. Why are you doing this...

Night Sweats & Insomina: let the fun begin. Your sleeping habits will change. Dramatically, and you will not notice it until that one Mood Swing from earlier... Yeah, it hits you like a ton of bricks about how you haven't been sleeping very well. Also, that will be the excuse you use.  Face it. You are not sleeping at all. You were the deepest sleeper. A tornado could hit, and you wouldn't have moved. Now you are up and down throughout all hours of the night. Having fun yet? I'm definitely not! I have hit..... NO SLEEP
AT ALL! If I obtain any sleep, it's about 2 hours. That may be over a course of 2 days as well. It's just impossible. You are so ready to sleep, and you feel extremely tired. Lay down and your mind starts twisting and turning. You cannot turn it off. Your mind just races and races. How do I get this to stop! What can I do! 

Hot Flashes & Cold Sweats: this is the best part! What I can say so far..... I'm Miserable! Or..... I was! I have waken up in a pool of sweat. Hot and miserable. Come out the covers and I'm freezing!  This is misery! Showering 3 times in the middle of the night? This is taking the cake and/or pie. Whatever you would like to call it.... Either way? It is awful! Your miserable! What is the answer to get through this horrible time. 

VISI  is the answer! Their New, Revolutionary AC2 Technology has just what every woman needs to assist in mood swings, insomnia, and hot flashes. What has VISI done for me? I can sleep again! 

Without VISI, I would be 10x more miserable! I couldn't sleep, eat, and drink anything. I would desire to sleep through the day, and not just for an hour. Try ALL day sleeping. I would swear I was dying. My heart would race. My body hurt all 
day long, and every day. Do you know what it feels like to feel secluded. Never feeling like you can do what your use to. Vivid images and appearances that you know are not real. Yet, you know it will all end.....just when! 

Visi 10/2 & Chew will end this battle! You can be who you were again. This program has changed my life! Some days I had no energy to move. Now! I move all day long. No more sweating to death and my mind has never been more clearer. If this is what your looking for. I ask you to comtact me, and get started in decreasing these issues. Start living again. Menopause can change your mental aspect. It can be damaging to your future. Please call today. 

Thank you for subscribing to our blog. We look forward to meeting everyone of you. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Depression: Do You Suffer?

Depression? What is the definition of Depression. Depression ranges in seriousness from mild, temporary episodes of sadness to severe, persistent depression. This horrible disease kills thousands of people every day. Someone is taking their own life as you read this. This disease affects every age, and race. They appear normal, fine you would say. Never knowing that they suffer. Or that their mind is having horrific thoughts and they just cannot turn them off. 

Clinical depression is the more severe form of depression, also known as major depression or major depressive disorder. It isn't the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder. This type of depression has enhanced mood swings. As well, the mind is terrorizing the individual. 

Help is available. It does not always require a pill, and it does not always need a doctor. (Severe cases please seek help from a doctor) Many times we fall into depression due to our age process. Men develop depression around the age of 40, naturally. This is their mid-life crisis. Women tend to fall more into a deep depression due to hormones. Thyroid can be giving up, or can be over producing. 

Adolescents is the more progressive time to see depression. That change from Middle School to High School can be a very scary time. If they do not adapt well, then bullying stands to get in the way. Your child, or sibling has a greater chance of falling into their prey. They are seen as weak. When all along, they just needed a friend to get them through.  Sadly, they may attempt, or commit suicide. Imperative we be in our child's life daily. Know their concerns, and acknowledge they have issues. Telling your child to grow up, and cope with life. Just sends them further into a depressive state of mind. If they don't have mom & dad to talk to. They don't have friends to talk to. They feel they have no one who cares. Same scenario for adults.......
What is depression like? It's like drowning. Except you can see everyone around you breathing. 

The clip in this picture is exactly how an adult feels! We are moving along each day. Trying to make our goals and do what is right. We are keeping a house together. Trying to get through college, and work. Everyone knows that unless there is a silver spoon somewhere. You will be working for your college education. It can be done! It is not simple, or easy! Yet, it can be done. 

Support! What is your support system? Do you have family and friends to lean on in time of need? Are they or is someone close to you when you need to yell, scream or cry? These are healthy releases of depression. Support of this nature is needed. Someone you can talk with. Yell at for a few minutes, or even just scream! The healthy aspects are much greater than sealing your fate to death. Many believe and many of you don't, that Sucicide is a one-way trip to HELL! We are not to question. Knowledge is given. We have to choose are own belief. Before that goes too far. Seek help! 

In any town, community, or city. Support groups are amongst you. It is no different than having an AA Support person or a NA support person. It is a person who will listen. A person you can trust to listen as not judge you. That is the worst fear right? You don't want to be judged for your thoughts. You just want to be heard, and you want the pain inside to stop. I so agree! 

Let us stop the cycle today. Let us find a regime that works. A good, clear, and happy person needs to work from the bottom to the top again. And you can do it! You have the desire to make the pain stop. We have the desire to help you stop. Before harm comes to too many people. What you do affects everyone around you. Think of them. They love you, and will be there for you. If you believe they cannot handle your concerns. Then turn to someone who can. Find a local support group. Get back to where you started. How can we help you. Let us know. Our goal is to get you healthy again. Mentally and Physically. It's only a decision you can make. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

Monday, January 19, 2015


As much as women and men do not like to admit this, wrinkles and sagging skin are evident. How we respond to those concerns, varies. Intentionally seeking out the alternatives and sadly, some are not the wisest of decisions. 

Acupuncture Specialist, Musso, explains to us that certain areas of the face are linked to the bodies internal organs. "Sagging skin can be caused by weakness in the spleen and circles under the eye is often linked to liver or stomach weakness. Meaning over the years that we have damaged the internal organs and that is now reflecting on our outward appearance. From what you eat to what you drink can reflect how you look. Beginning to believe the facebook post that floats around..... "You are what you eat".....Musso says treatments cost between $175 and $300, and last about an hour. Painless per say, it is acupuncture. Not quite my style, and not a believer in this process. Many of you will agree with the organs affects, gives off to our weak, and sagging skin. 

Women have a tendency to be more dramatic about their appearances. Some will go to great lengths! For instance, the mini-facelift. This is only a tip to the eye... Literally! Majority of patients seeking mini facelift are aged 50 to 60. But regardless of the age, most patients start to ponder on a mini facelift once they notice that their facial contours or jawline is not defined as it used to be, or if their neck starts to show some wrinkles or fullness. While fillers like Restylane and Juvederm are utilized in this procedure. Having a product injected into face is what some women believe to be the only way to gain their youth. Simply prosperous! However, I said great lengths! 

Our face, hands, arms & legs are exposed more often than not. From women wearing dresses to men wearing shorts. Our skin tells others about us. Whether we workout, stay fit, or whether we are a house mom, to a Nurses Aide. 

Daily ads for better skin are all over the TV, and Internet. You can pick from Loreal to Oil of Olay. Trying every product over the counter. Thousands of dollars spent. We still see no progress on our youthful look. Seeking out the industry in Network Marketing, shows improved, promising signs. Each company from Avon to MaryKay. 

Skincare now has a name and a face..... One that does not require injections or needles of any form. Stay tuned for more.

Follow me on Facebook, at Ageless Beauties. As well Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Tsu, Linkden, and Tumbler.....

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant