How many families cope with ADD/ADHD children daily? In the beginning, continuous med changes to find the one that works. Once found, the medicine believed to work, what side effects are you missing? The meds appear to be working. Grades are great and focus is spot on. What overwhelms most parents? The statistical data of how common this is in many children across America.
- Number of children 3-17 years of age ever diagnosed with ADHD: 5.9 million
- Percent of children 3-17 years of age ever diagnosed with ADHD: 9.5%
- Percent of boys 3-17 years of age ever diagnosed with ADHD: 13.5%
- Percent of girls 3-17 years of age ever diagnosed with ADHD: 5.4%
5.9 Million children, ages 3-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. With the highest diagnosed group, Boys at 13.5% of 5.9 Million diagnosed. Disturbing? What about the facts. Doctors are quick to diagnose and quick to place these kids on medicine. Is this morally right to you?
As parents, we need to take an active stand. My son has been diagnosed with ADD/OD since the age of 6. Did I notice it long before diagnosis? Yes! I was not willing to place my youngest child on heavy medication. What could be the side effects from long term use. The first side effect? Hallucinations. Yes! My son was clearly stating he was seeing dead ppl with the most upsetting Hallucination! He came home from school, and stated, "mom, I saw a dead girl in front of the bus, and the driver ran over her, and she waved to me after the bus pulled off." If you think I was freaked out? How do you believe he felt? As his mother, I thought to myself "what have I done to my son?"
Miracles happen to workout if you are really paying attention. Once we see,
what if that was me. Prepare yourself daily unless you want to live in denial. My son was on the strongest medication made for ADD/ADHD... The hallucinations where getting stronger, and in February 2014, my sons insurance dropped him! God working a miracle.... Me? Thank you lord for giving us another chance, to do this differently. This is God working a true miracle! We have never been more grateful.
My husband and I sought out Organo Gold. Our 3 weeks of research on Ganoderma was about how we could help our son. We hit gold to our eyes. It was worth a try.
We started out as members to Organo Gold. Placed my son on the Hot Chcolate, 3x a day and then he noticed he liked the Latte & Mocha. We began the Latte with breakfast, and the Mocha with Lunch. When he came home from school, we gave him the Hot Chocolate. Organo Gold has Ganoderma in it. The "King of all Herbs" and used by the Chinese for over 4000 years. The benefits of Organo Gold out weighed the medication and the side effects.
Within 2 days we noted the difference in attitude and behavior immediately. We noticed him socializing and becoming active. Things we hadn't seen in 10yrs. This was truly an amazing moment. Being late in the school year. We had missed our last goal. How capable was he to focus. Do his homework, and get the grades he needed.
There will be an update in the upcoming months as to how well he is functioning in school. In the mean time. My son never leaving his room to "hang out" with friends is a milestone for us. Kids should not lock themselves up with video games and say, "I'm happy." No they are not happy. They are distant because they just don't know how to come out of that box they feel so trapped in.
If you have a child with a disability. Help your child with first, researching Ganoderma. Check out my website and to update,'we went from just a member to receive the coffee at a discount, to Gold members, and spreading the word to our health improvements. Why keep feeding all your money to doctors and medications. When something All 100% Natural. and healing for thousands of years for the Chinese, has worked for them to live long, healthy lives. Learn more at Goggle Ganoderma.