Shingles can appear in multiple areas of the body, if not properly monitored. They can start on the left side of the body, starting on the back, and wrap to the front. To include the left side back, trunk, and chest. If not careful with treatment, they can follow on up into the eye.
This will be the WORST pain ever to experience. Normally through Dr treatment, it will take up to 3 weeks to heal. Here is my personal testimony.
I break out in shingles at least 2 times a month if not properly taking prescribed meds. What many do not understand? Those meds build up in your system over time. Acyclovir is atypically used, or Valtrex. Valtrex is not usually covered with most Insurances. Over 5 years ago, as my Leukemia became more prevalent, so did my Shingle outbreak. Every 2 weeks I was breaking out. My regime became 1 tablet, twice a day; and when breakout, increase to 5 times a day. Acyclovir is very harsh on the stomach, and it is cause for consistent Diahrrea. This past year, I read up on the Ancient Chinese Herb, Ganoderma.
Through extensive research. How Ganoderma is formed, where it comes from and are there harmful effects. Finding those answers of no harmful side effects, how Ganoderma is pulled from the Chinese Mushroom "The Reishi Mushroom", and how the Ganodema Spores reach deeper into the cells of the Human body to kill free radical cells, causing cancer. I knew that I had found more than just one problem solved.
The Reishi Mushroom has been used for over 4000 years in the Chinese history. Known for healing effects of Cancer, Viruses, High Blood Pressure, and Diabetes to name a few. I had to try this, and get away from the horrible chemicals that where toxic to the body. Every pharmaceutical chemical is toxic and builds up in your body. Without the proper cleaning products, it builds up, and can further harm your body. Giving you secondary conditions. Trickle affect.
Displayed with this blog is my back. Showing one(1) blotch of Shingles and the Day 1 outbreak, with 4 days later; how Ganoderma reduced the cluster to drying and healing. Not just the fact that in 4 days the Virus was dieing and going away, but from day 1, when that excruciating pain came upon me. The Ganoderma reduced the pain to tolerable, and no itching. Leaving the inability to spread. The location is on the left side, and on my spine.
If you have experienced Shingles, and like me. Under the age of 60 years old. The likelihood of repeat breakout is 90%. If you have had Chickenpox, you already have the virus in you. Stress, viruses, and more can bring it out. Don't take that chance. Start Ganoderma today to prevent this virus from occurring, and making your life miserable for weeks by Dr's prescription.
This is not a medical claim. I'm a nurse of 15years, and have had medical issues of great nature. This is my personal testimony. For more information, please feel free to contact me at