Dedication, determination and perserverance are key. Today was a day of challenge. One I really didn't want to take on. However, my devotion to what I do, what I want, and how to get there are my motivation. It's what keeps me focused.
I had no desire to eat, and I've acquired some type of respiratory illness. But, I made my shakes, I drank my water, and I kept on working. Even though I was in extreme amounts of pain. Couldn't hardly walk, and my hands just didn't want to cooperate. I made it through my day. Your asking me how. I'll tell you how.
I have two teenagers at home. My daughter came to me, not too long ago. She said, mom, I really admire how you still keep going to work. As much health situations that you have to overcome, you still make it to work everyday. You don't call in, you keep making them shakes, and you still keep going. She asked me why. I told her. For the love of them, the fact that I'm their sole supporter, and the fact that if I just gave up? Where would that put us?
She said, mom, I don't know how you do it, but I'm proud of you to keep going. My daughter is very busy in her own life. She is 17yrs old. She is active in Color Guard, and works 2 jobs. She says she does this because if I can face the days of being sick and I pain. She can do the same. I was proud to hear that from my daughter. To know that she admires me, and that I inspire her? That's the best thing I could ever hear from one of my children.
So, on those days that you don't want to get up and go? Remember, your setting an example. To whomever is in your circle. Whether it is your kids, parents, colleagues, it is an example of your determination, dedication, and perserverance. Just remember when you don't want to do something? There's a reason why you keep trying, and succeeding.
The littlest things can get you down. We can't allow the little things to get into our way. My Challenge to you. Search yourself. For those that want a healthier way of life? I strongly encourage you to check out the 90 Day Challenge. I had the energy I needed, wanted and deserved! You can too! I ask you to take the Challenge and start making you a top priority.
Have a great week. I know the weekends are never long enough. Think about what's important, and above all. I hope it's you!