As much as I will try to not make this racial. It may be difficult. My point, before I begin, is that kids are not all kids are obese because they are lazy, or just don't want to get out and play anymore. Grant, that this is one of our major issues in the USA. Obesity is a major topic of discussion. However, we are going to discuss my daughter, and how she has been bullied by several black girls on the bus.
My daughter is heavy set. She just took after her family genes, can't help that to a degree. She is a hypothyroid. She's also been dealing with depression from the accident where she lost her best friend in her lap a year ago. So, my daughter is battling to opposite ends of a middle that is growing.
My daughter takes Synthroid and Zoloft. She's active in ColorGuard and work. Not accounting for school. Here's where the BodyBiVi comes in.
2 days after school started. My daughter, keep in mind, does not ride the busin the AM. Due to ColorGuard practice being at 6:30am everyday. I work, have the car, and she has to ride the bus in the afternoon. She and her best friend get on the bus and are asked to assign themselves a seat. No problem right? They pic #26.. Upon writing their names on the assigned seat, these two black girls come back to the seat and tell my daughter and her friend to get out. My daughter, finding her voice. Says no. We assigned ourselves this seat. The two black girls go up to the bus driver. Basically threaten the bus driver, and scratch my daughter and her friends name off the seat chart and place theirs on it. The bus driver, wanting no problems, asked my daughter and her friend to move. Wrong in all aspects right? Not as far as the school is concerned.
Contacted the school and explained how my daughter and her friend would be carrying pepper spray and a taser if this continued. I finally get a phone call, after they speak to my daughter at school. And tell her that her assigned seat is #17.. Okay, solved right? Nope!
They get on the bus that afternoon, and here we go again. 2 friends of these other black girls in seat #26.. Tell my daughter and her gf how they need to get out of their seat. Once again, my daughter finds her voice. So, I call the school again. Now! All of a sudden the school doesn't want the TV crews out there even though this late incident on the bus ended between the girls with the 4 now black girls telling my daughter they will get her when she gets off that bus.
So, lets talk about the comments that were made to my daughter. "She's a fat honkey bitch that doesn't even ride in the AM" "you fat bitch, you don't ride this bus all the time. You take a seat that's open when you ride" is this acceptable behavior now? I've not taught my kids to be racist. I've taught my children to love everyone, and accept people for who they are.
After this last incident I've taken my daughter off the bus, and I've started her and I on the BodyBiVi. 2 shakes a day, and one sensible meal. Have 3 people join you and receive your next month product free. So, that's 3 months of free product. How can you go wrong? You can't!
I may not get all the weight off my daughter. We are just big boned people. That's our genes. Just like those black girls have their nasty genes. I can't help them. I can help my daughter. We are on the start. I do have a challenge out there for everyone. It's on my blog. Join us. Help each other. That's what we are suppose to do. Some people can't or won't change. When they are willing, then do your best to help. Encourage everyone. Love everyone.
Comment, or contact me to get started. Look it over. Lets help each other and join together.