Off today? Have some FREE time? Then make today, the day you go out. Today you need to speak to 10ppl. I say 10, because where do those 10ppl go, when your done explaining your business to them? They go and speak to 10ppl a piece. That 100ppl that just heard, or spoke about your business adventure.
My goal today is to speak to 10ppl about Scentsy, Velata, and BC Spa. With three businesses working at the same time, or simultaneously, I have to be selective. That makes 30 ppl that I need to speak to today. I've got my lists made out, and my business cards ready to go. What's stopping you today? Remember, your business succeeds, if you want it to. Determination is key. What's your goal? I know your asking, Michelle, what's your goal?
My goal? I have a wedding to plan, a certain honeymoon to take. Have a great day everyone!