Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cost of Obesity & UnHealthy

Consistently being at the doctor for continued Illness cost more than paying to be healthy. Do you believe this to be true? If not, I ask you why? 

Information collected over this blog is collected through the CDC & NIMH, what is consistently found in all reports. Obesity is the number one cause of illness. Medicare & Medicaid have risen to provide over 1/3 of our US Citizens with Healthcare. Programs that are designed to assist those over 65 years of age, and those with true disabilities. So, why are we costing our government more in illness than finding our healthy side, and making available funding to other needed concerns. See how the government tracks the debt/costs to all those ill in the United States. 

The CDC calculates yearly what is called Cost of Illness (COI) and is defined as the value of the resources that are expended or foregone as a result of a health problem. The COI includes health sector costs, the value of lost productivity by the patient (indirect cost), and the cost of pain and suffering (intangible costs). 

The COI is to make informed choices concerning which health problems to address and what interventions to use to alleviate them, we need to know the economic burden imposed by the various health problems. The COI provides a monetary estimate for the economic burden of diseases.

Diseases such as Obesity, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Pain, etc... obesity or conditions attributable to obesity were reviewed. Chronic conditions related to inactivity include coronary heart disease (CHD), hypertension, Type II diabetes, colon cancer, depression and anxiety, osteoporotic hip fractures, and also obesity. Increasing adiposity, or obesity, is itself a direct cause of Type II diabetes, hypertension, CHD, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis and cancer of the breast, colon, and endometrium. The most up-to-date estimates were extracted. To estimate the proportion of disease that could be prevented by eliminating inactivity or obesity we calculated the population-attributable risk percent.

The direct costs of lack of physical activity, defined conservatively as absence of leisure-time physical activity, are approximately 24 billion dollars or 2.4% of the U.S. health care expenditures. Direct costs for obesity defined as body mass index greater than 30, total 70 billion dollars. These costs are independent of those resulting from lack of activity.

Let's take a moment to reflect. Obesity is the number one cause of medical costs. Obesity is the cause for secondary illness. My question is, why are people choosing to take the handouts, lay around and not get up and move? Causing more economic heartache and pain. All to in the end, bury you upon death. 

Choose to Change! The cost of your health can be much less to everyone, as it affects everyone, if you chose to live healthier. That means get on an All Natural, 100% Money Back Guarantee Program. Focus on your health, such as pain, inflammation, energy, stress, and so much more in one program! EVOLV! 

Evolv has the entire program to give you back your health. While your working in your mind how you cannot do this, exercise, walk, etc... You actually can! Evolv gives you the ability to focus on those complaints, you say you cannot do. While your feeling the energy to get up and go, your complaints are falling short. There are no more excuses after you begin with Evolv. No matter how hard you try to find them. You will not find one product that will dis-satisfy you. 

Your energy will increase, and the next thing you see is weight loss. Now your focused! So, get on the phone today. Call me and let's and get you started in the right direction. 

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