Friday, April 18, 2014

Relaxation with Health Benefits

What does relaxation mean? By definition: Refreshment of body or mind; recreation:

Everyone needs a time frame to relax. We are so busy in our everyday lives that we forget who we are. Our health starts to deteriorate, and our love for ourself begins to disappear. Question is, where do we begin? How do we find that time? We look at our daily schedule, and we see no time. There is time. Look at your daily schedule again, and let's review our health. Are you healthy? Your not healthy if your going non-stop and not finding time for you. Let's begin with a simple process. How do you start your morning? 

Begin with a cup of coffee, tea, latte, hot chocolate, or a cup of cafe mocha. It begins your day on a 1) healthy, natural, herbal Chinese calmative. 2) energy to begin the day. 3) sense of mind set. What gives you that to begin your day? Organo Gold Gourmet with Gandoderma Lucidum. What is Gandoderma Lucidum:

Ganoderma Lucidum, the King of Herbal Medicine

Herbal cures have existed throughout history in almost all lands of the
world. Of all the systems of herbal cures that have existed in different lands,
the Chinese traditional medicine has been one of the most organized and
well-documented systems of herbal cures. Modern science has verified the
effectiveness of the ancient herbal remedies of China. Among the time-honored Chinese wonder herbs that have passed the test of time is ganoderna lucidum or reishi or lingzhi. It is a large, bitter medicinal mushroom with shining exterior. It grows in the dark and dense mountainous woods of high humidity in the tropical and temperate regions of the world. It grows on decaying wood. It may take nearly 1 year to reach maturity.

- See more at:

It's a beginning. Healthiness is happiness. Begin today by going online to Organo Gold and choose the product(s) that you know you will not only love to consume every AM, but what you know can start you on the right track to better health. 

So why are we beginning here? We have to start somewhere. Our society has become a two person income. Work, work, and work more. It is all we know these days. It's hard to get by today, and we lose who we are. We learned the hard way. Our marriage was heading to divorce before our one year anniversary. We know we love each other, yet there was no time for us. So we thought. When I found the opportunity with Organo Gold, and had a heart to heart talk with my husband. It was evident that we needed to change something to make our marriage better. Marriage is NOT all about sex, and being in bed with each other every minute. It's about love, and respect for each other. We sat down and spoke about what was "in the way." What was in the way? Our jobs! My husband is a Bio-Chemist, and I'm a Nutritional Health Nurse. We believed we were consumed in our jobs, and the desire to stay on top. Was it making us happy? NO! We were miserable, and for the first time in 5 years of being together. We had been more ill than ever. We spoke about our health and how that needed to be a priority. Without good health, you are not able to work. Not able to work, and you are walking on time. 

I joined Organo Gold for two reasons. I wanted the opportunities that Organo Gold had to offer. That's a back seat to what it meant to my husband and I. It meant my husband and I getting up at 4am, drinking a cup of coffee, tea, latte, hot chocolate or a cafe mocha in bed, and talking about just anything. Communication is key to a healthy marriage, and we lost that. This is our way to regain our love, and the magic that we once shared. We lost that due to our careers, and the desire to just work and do everything we could to get on top. 

Careers are key to living, but are you happy. Happiness is the key to healthy. If you do not share in the pleasures of life, depression can set in. Communication between you and family is lost. They say, "I understand." They really don't, because they see you falling apart little by little. 

Take charge of your life. One thing, as small as a cup of coffee or tea, can change your entire world. Reality of your loves can be surreal. Open your life up to relaxation and happiness. They lead to healthiness. 

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