Failure is how we grow as a person. If we did not fail, at something, we wouldn't know how to respond, nor learn from it. Why do we allow it to run our lives? Because it's much more simple to live behind it than face it. It's better than hearing, "oh I heard you failed at that." "Yes, I failed, but here is what I learned." Failure is fear with Growth as a person.
I was fired from my job in January of 2014. Did I fear I wouldn't get another job? NO! I feared where I was going and where I was going next. I literally stayed at home for 4 weeks in fear of leaving my home, to look for another job. Why? Did I really have the ability to do Nursing anymore. After reading a book on "Think & Grow Rich." I completely understood. I was placing myself in fear and setting myself up for failure. Why? It was how I was training my mind to think. By the way, the book is NOT at all about what you believe, just from the title. It's a self help book. To make you think about who you truly are. Are you a Thomas Edison? Or, are you a driven person with motives to know how to bring yourself out of that house, and make things happen? I don't know about you. I learned quickly that I'm capable of anything! I allowed a company to place FEAR into my known abilities. I was fired for missing a snow day. Yes! A SNOW day!
I quickly picked myself up. I learned everything I could about Network Marketing, Social Media, and Building Relationships! Now! I'm a $5000 earner a month in OG. I'm not even done yet.
I was sitting here re-reading the book. I thought to myself. Why am I limiting my potential? Why am I not out there promoting multiple Health & Wellness programs? Why am I wasting time? Time is Energy, & Energy is Money!
It's so easy to critique yourself and criticize yourself. That will get you NOWHERE. That's FEAR taking control over you, and your dreams. Question is, WHY!
Start TODAY! Thinking about how YOU can better YOU, & YOUR FAMILY. What is it that YOU want to do with your life? If your 100% Satisfied with how your life is, and your not into CHANGE. Then this is not for you. If you are NOT HAPPY with your life, and DESIRE more. I suggest you re-evaluate your life. I reflect every Wednesday just on myself. Why? To take a look at what I'm doing. I want to be better than who I am. I want to be out there improving myself everyday. Helping someone achieve a goal.
We have to admit that 20yrs ago, our lives were much simpler. Now, getting the BEST BANG FOR OUR BUCK, is KEY! How many of you out there competitive shop with an APP? How many of you are competitively couponing?
My first week of grocery shopping, and I competitively store shopped. I did a good job, but it could have been better. It took me hours to find out that I needed to go to 3 different stores to SAVE money on our food consumption. WASTE OF TIME & EXPENDED ENERGY. WASTE OF GAS! All to SAVE? $7.25
Next time I grocery shop, it will be with couponing. Coupons are ready to be printed. Printing them off later today. All coupons are good until end of October. Catcher? Right off the bat? INK, GAS, TIME. EXPENDED ENERGY!
I DONT WANT TO LIVE THIS WAY! I get it! Many of you will never step outside that "comfort zone." I understand. I can't influence everyone to see and understand what I so proudly believe in. What I CAN do? Is share the knowledge. When your sick & tired, like me, and don't want to live the way you are currently? I can tell you that I will be right here! I will NEVER turn anyone away from wanting, desiring to do better for themselves.
DONT LIVE IN FEAR! Not one more day! It's time to ENJOY life. I was at once where you are today. Thanks to my husband, and his spirits lifting me to whole new levels. I would STILL be LIVING IN FEAR.
Now we have a whole new company starting with Organo Gold Organic Coffee, Organic Clothing by 4J, and Nutritonal Health & Wellness with ViSi. I don't live behind "WHAT IF." I live for "US! AND, YES WE CAN, AND WILL CONTINUE TO SUCCEED!" Re-evaluate YOU! It's that part of you that will decide if FEAR WINS OR LOSES!
I encourage everyone to join our BIG RELEASE day. Monday, September 22nd, at NOON. Education, How To's, Living Better, Healthier, More Fit, and Living Your Dreams! Join us? CHANGE Your Life.
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