Hello all my Blooger Friends! Am I very excited to be back. I took off for a bit to re-examine my life, my business, and most of all, what can I do, with my blog, every day to give you insight, knowledge and motivation. Wow! What a brainstorm affect did that give me! I know your ready to hear what's new, old and coming up. Let's get started?
In life we teach our kids. There are needs, wants, and desires. What should come first? Of course, needs! Most teens these days, as I have watched these past few weeks, do not really understand this concept. As a parent, are we doing our job to prepare them for proper living, and not a setup to fail. I believe most parents are too busy to take time with their children. To teach them this concept, and learning about how to save for their future. The question to parents is, why are you waiting to show them?
Most 18yr olds have not worked one day. Mom and Dad have done all the providing, and kids have lived sheltered. Many of you will take offense and say, No, I've made my child work since the age of 16. That would be a wonderful comment to hear. It tells us that maybe more kids are prepared, but are they really? Have you watched how they spend their money? Have you showed them how to save for their future? Have you showed them how to put back money "in case of." Have you only made them focus on college? Have you told them to look and focus on all their options in life?
Many people look down on those of us who Network Market. Yet, Network Marketing is the #1 source of outside income while they go to College. 1/4 of all College Students who Network Market while in College, have left College debt free! As well, have the network marketing industry as their first source of income, and walk out at age 22 Millioniares. They grasp the concept and idea, and made it work because they worked it. Everyday they made an outline of who and when they were going to speak to people. They took the Network Marketing Industry serious, and made something stable for their life. Or did they!
I took my daughter last week to meet with Financial Advisors. She's 18yrs old, and will graduate in May 2015. She has grasped the concept of needs, wants and desires. Now is the time to think about her future, and how not to deviate off the path. She took an hour and a half crash course on Mutual Funds. Flooded with information on why & when it is imperative to start today on planning for the safety of her future. She has some thinking to do. Yet. I'm not complete. There are more people to meet. AG Edwards, Merrill Lynch and many more. Lesson is, never put your eggs all in one basket. Give them options with knowledge. Hence the reason why we parents should support their future, and guide them to a safe, and secure future. We support our 4 Children; ages 22, 21, 18, & 16. Two are into Network Marketing, and promoting themselves from what their College Education gave them opportunities to. They didn't waste time on making money, and meeting their educational needs. They were prepared, and have met with their Financial Advisors as well. What opportunities have you truly given your child(ren).
It's not too late for we parents as well. We can take simple lessons from our children. Are you open to ideas, and where your going? First plan, why are you starting this business? What are your goals, and your ultimate success marks? When is the best time to market your idea? How are you going to start it up? If you haven't watched "Shark Tank", it's a huge suggestion from me personally. Never start your business with a loan. If you cannot begin your business with your own money, then you wait until you can. You want to owe no one, but yourself. You want to pay no one, but yourself. Not a bank, or a family member. Especially family. The possibility that you don't work your business every day? Is set up for failure.
Beginning my own Coffee Business was scary. NO LIE! Everyone drinks coffee that I know. So, why would they drop their store bought brand, for my Gourmet Premoum Brand? Then it hit me. They are buying Coffee every week. It's on their grocery list. So, it's a must have in the grocery list, right? Keep in mind that your Gourmet Coffee drinkers, of today, are ages 16-25, and most of those are Starbucks drinkers. The next question I had to ask myself, why Starbucks? It has so many Calories, Sugar, and Preservatives. As most of that group are on some type of health kick. Again I ask, why Starbucks? The answer is simple! It's the popular "Hang Out Spot.".....
Questions began arising in my mind. How do I get them to try a Healthier, Organic Coffee? The source to that answer? Show them the savings of money. This age group is all about the mighty dollar. We desired to show this age group how to save, and still have their Coffee. Only on a Healthier note, with more Natural Energy, and the Healing of their body from the inside out.
On average the age group of 16-25 years of age, spends $15-$20 a week on Starbucks. Those of you who buy Store Bought Coffee are thinking these kids are insane! Question is, did you know your kid was doing this every week? We can tell you from our research over the past three weeks. 2 out of 5 High School Junior/Seniors are grabbing a Starbucks every morning before school. At 5 days a week, that is an average of $25. For $28.50, they can make their own form of Starbucks Coffee, and that will be what they spent for the entire month. Compared to their monthly expense of $100 for Starbucks, early morning drive-thru. In our 3 week research, we were told that Starbucks kids are the "upper crowd of Coffee". As much as we had to laugh. Our mission was to research the desire, the want and the need for this style of Coffee. We believe that it is a Coffee for anyone that wants to "treat" themselves. Out of 3 places noted for this group. Starbucks was #1, McDonalds #2, and Subway #3. What's the difference and why? Everyone explained that if they could afford Starbucks, they would go there. Our McDonald Coffee Drinkers explained that it was just good enough to get them started on their day, and it fit their pocketbook. Hmm......
We returned with our notes. Each person we spoke to said they would love to try our Coffee. They would take our videos and our FREE Sample, and make a cup of a coffee, just as we instructed. Then, give us feed back this week. We are excited! As we have heard from a fourth of them already. The guideline is not to post their opinions until Monday, November 10, 2014, on Le'Gold Facebook Fan Page. If you haven't followed us yet on Facebook. Please click onto Le'Gold Fan Page, give us a like, and see what comments start pouring in.
Our mission is to serve the public. Show anyone and everyone that you can make a business from our Gourmet Premium Coffee Business. Whether it's making a cup of Coffee and selling it for $2. To making a Frappe, Cappachino, with all the trimmings to Healthy, and charging $4. Better yet! Sell them buy the box or by the Sachet. Still make money, show them how to secure their future, and watch them grow. It is being done daily. You can do it too! Call us soon! Let us get you started on the road to Healthy Living, and Money in your pocket.
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