Wednesday, December 31, 2014

NEW YEAR: Get Fit In '15

Tonight is the BIG Night! Celebrating with friends, family, co-workers, etc... There will be eating snacks, to eating a meal, to back to snacks and the famous of all! ALCOHOL! 

Alcohol is inevitably going to play a big part in many lives tonight. For those who are trying to get healthy and stay healthy. The last thing they desire is to pack on a few pounds. Do you really know how alcohol plays a damaging role to your healthy weight loss?  Alcohol definitely does not bring Sexy Back. 

Let's take a look at how Alcohol can play a role in your weight gain tonight. Alcohol is 5.7 Calories for every gram. Each gram you consume, 5.7 Calories is being added to non-metabolized carbs. Adding more fat to the tissues. Example: a beer with 20 grams of alcohol. 5.7 Calories x 20 grams of alcohol + carbs = average 150 calories in one BEER. Should you consume a 6pk, that is 900 Calories!  That is the amount of Breakfast and Lunch combined in Caloric Intake. Not in favor of skipping meals, but you would need to skip two meals, AND workout for 1 hour to burn 900 Calories consumed by alcohol. This doesn't sound fun. Maybe it does to you. Keep in mind it was only alcohol figured in. Not the prior food or after drinking, food consumed.

We can go out and have a good time. We can have a beer or a glass of wine. We can eat, just tap on the light side. New Years is about starting anew. Why not do this year differently. 

We here at Visi Me are offering the GET FIT IN '15 Program. Making 2015 Healthy & Happy. Join our GET FIT IN '15! Take the 10 Day 10 Pound Challenge, or the 15 Day 15 Pound Challenge. My One On One Personal Training can take your health and wellness to a greater level you have never encountered before. Contact me at to explain your situation, and what your goals are this 2015. 

If drinking tonight. Please drink responsibly. Make sure you have a plan in place before you leave. Whether it is a Designated Driver, or a Cab. Stay Safe this New Years. 


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