Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Party Time

Scentsy, what is it? Scentsy is a wickless candle system. No flame, no wick. Meaning, no chance for a fire.  All 80+ scents are made of all natural items from the earth. Why not enjoy your favorite scent when you come home from work and relax. Just walk in, turn on the wickless system, and enjoy the evening. 

Start booking your parties for January. Now is the time to receive special offers for January. Offers are only good thru January. Book quickly. When you book for January, you will receive an extra 25% off additional Layers Line items. This is for the hostess only. Anyone who books from your party, and holds their party in January, can also receive this offer. 

Scentsy, the wickless candle system. With 80+ scents to choose from.

BC Spa

Never heard of it? It has been a thriving company for many years. Independent Consultants have slowly
disappeared. WE ARE MAKING OUR WAY BACK....

For those who remember... This company has the best spa, facial, hand, makeup, perfumes, and cologne
products available. BC Spa offers an array of products. The best part? The Facial products. That's for we women that are seeing bags under our eyes, crows feet around our eyes, and wrinkles on our forehead and around our mouth.

Time to take charge ladies.. You know what you need to do. That is... Get rid of the wrinkles, and crows feet.  Try our product and see for yourself. Research our product online, and look at the visible difference.
Blog me, or email me at

It's A New Year

Ready to start a whole new project? I am very ready! BC Spa, Scentsy, and Velata, have given me a whole new thought, as to how my life can change.  You can too. The holidays may be about over. However, the New Year is about to begin. Thinking back on this past 2012, I believe that 2013 can be even better.

Teaming up with other Consultants in these types of businesses, can help each other succeed. Where would you like to begin your New Year?  I enjoy speaking to people. Look forward to responses.  Please feel free to join in on how you too can make an Independent Business work for you. Whether, for fun, or just to have an extra cash flow. I will not lie and tell you that your going to get rich. NOT WHAT WILL HAPPEN. I will tell you that it is fun, eventfull, and brings joy to others, as well as yourself. This is all about making people happy, and excited about what they are able to receive.