Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Does Your Health Matter To You?

Are you experiencing/or have been experiencing Inflammation and Pain? How much does it inconvenience your day? If it affects the way you move, function, moods, and cognitive ability. Examine this thought. Is your health worth the chemical damage to those imperative organs. It's time to make a life style change. 

Do you have a constant craving for food? Loss of energy mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon? Always needing that pick me up? Needing to stop that constant desire for something to eat? It's time to make a lifestyle change. 

Has the mix of chronic pain, loss of energy drained you from the life you want? Do you believe you have allowed it, because you just didn't think there was another way out? There is always a way out. It just depends on you! You cannot know what the possibilities are, if you don't try. Let's talk about what's important here. ITS YOU! 

My journey is just that. My reasons with my journey. You make your journey with your own desires. Through my knowledge in Health & Nutrition, I'm here to guide you. Together, we work to help reach the ultimate goal. What's that goal? Optimal health. Your question is "ok, how do I get started?" 

To reach Optimal Health, it starts with knowledge and desire. Knowledge about how your health affects you, and desire to want to change it. Are you ready to feel better? If you are ready, we are willing to meet your needs. 

Our business has a 100% Money Back Guarantee. No questions asked. Start today, and create the health you have longed for. Optimal Health!  

What Could You Do With An Extra $500

Someone asked me, what would you do with an extra $500 a month? My initial reaction? Well, I could finally get that new car and there's the payment. Then I stopped. Why wouldn't I just go and get a part time job for that extra $500 month.
Then I thought, to myself. I couldn't make $500 extra a month at a part-time job. Why? Working Full Time and that covers the bills, then heading to a Part-Time job that I couldn't clear an extra $500 plus tear down my health. Is that stress worth the extra $500? Then I really got to thinking.....

What if I could work Full Time, and come home and work Part-Time? Work at my leisure? $500 could pay my car payment. $500 could pay the rent/house payment, or most of it. $500... Wow! I could go to the Mall! Wait! What does $500 mean on a residual basis? 

See, right now? You don't have that extra $500... Now would be a good time to start earning that extra $500 a month, which then leads to $500 a week, to $500 a day. So, when you go to the Mall, you have that extra $500 to play with. 

I was taught that if you don't take the chance, then you never knew what you could  have accomplished.  Because you never tried. 

Now is the time to start. Your day is today!