Thursday, December 27, 2012

Setting Goals

Today is goal setting day. Where do I want to go with my businesses, and which one do I want to focus on the most? Which one of my business's can I market easily an attain a goal? Should I give up one, or should I narrow the field to just one business? All this is being thought out and placed down into my Buainess journal. Yes, you need a journal to log what works, and what doesn't. You need to set you goals within reaching distance. Do not set expectations too high. If you set goals with high expectations, and do not reach them. Then you feel you failed. When in essence you didn't. You achieved many things, just out of sorts and in the wrong direction. That's how we lose our Independent Consultants. You are capable of doing this. You just needed guidance. I'm here to help. Brainstorm. Just let me know by leaving your comments. Have a great day! Think about what I said. Blog back. I'll respond.