Saturday, September 14, 2013

Weigh In

Have you ever started a diet and just wanted so badly to get on those scales daily? DON'T! Very discouraging....

So, my weigh in was Friday, September 13, 2013.. 5 pounds lost, 2" off my waist and 1/2" of each thigh.. So! I kicked up the pace..

I started a 30 day workout. Produced by I have a workout room at work.  I'm taking this to a whole new level. 

Take the challenge. Make a change in your life. Love who you are. Be who you are. The point is to get healthier. 

Follow the 30 Day workout session. Take the 90 Day Challenge. What's stopping you? Go to my website and order today. 

Pick the program that works for you. I'll be in touch soon.