Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2013 Obesity Facts

In 2013 stastical data concluded that 23.9 Million Children ages 2 to 19 are Overweight/Obese. 33% Boys. 
30.4% Girls. 

154.7 Million Adults, in 2013, were either Overweight/Obese. 79.9 Million Men. 74.8 Million Women

Total costs to treat Secondary Diagnosis from Primary Diagnosis of Obesity, heart problems, breathing problems, and depression equaling $254 Billion a year. 

If we do not help our children and as Adults stop the obesity trend in growth, total healthcare costs will reach between $861 to $957 Billion a year by 2030. That's a 16% to 18% increase of unnecessary expenses paid out by our Government. 

Let's change the lifestyle and make healthier choices through Visalus. Visalus has helped over 3 Million people lose 1000's of pounds. We can help you!