Tuesday, July 23, 2013

MicroDerm Abrasion

Have you been thinking about going to a Dermatologist, or a Clinic for MicroDerm Abrasion? Trying to save that $$ to get the treatments? Why?

What if you could have MicroDerm Abrasion, in your own home, on your own time? You can!

Instant Face Lift is what you need. To remove pitting, scarring, and most of all. Remove dead skin cells to nourish those raisins to luscious juicy grapes. 

Order yours online today, and start with your very own MicroDerm Abrasion at home. Twice a week, and watch your skin change to reducing those pits, scars, and remove fine lines and wrinkles. 

It's cheaper than paying the dermatologist, and it's within your reach at all times. Questions? Comment or message me.

Cornflakes, Raisins, Grapes

How much do you know and understand about your skin. Do you care enough about your skin care health to change, and look 10yrs younger? If you do, follow this read.

On the lowest layer of your skin, are these luscious, juicy grapes. They are wanting to come to the surface, but they can't. Why!

Next layer of your skin is Raisins. They are shriveled up and increasingly wanting to receive the nourishment they need, and desire. But they can't receive it. Why!

Finally, what we see on the surface of your skin are Cornflakes. I the wrinkles, fine lines, and crows feet. They need to be removed and the Raisins need to become nourished. How do we get this accomplished? 

Easy! It's as simple as 15min of your time. With our Personalized Skin Analysis, I am able to define your skins needs. Starting with ridding the Cornflakes from what everyone sees, and work on nourishing those Raisins. Once we nourish the Raisins, we bring up those luscious grapes, and receive beautiful, glowing skin. 

All you have to do is call me or comment. I schedule a date and time for us to, not only relax you, but give you education on your skin. All personalized by myself. 

When would you like to personalize your skin care, and not only look 10yrs younger, but feel 10yrs younger? It is all possible. My services are FREE. If you have friends/family that would also like to receive education on their skin, and the proper care. Let me know. I love my job!! 

The slide attached will give you more details. However, don't wait long to receive what is FREE....

Stressed Out!

I have many people tell me, "I'm so stressed out." I in return reply "why?" All those reasons they are giving me? They can be worked out with time, and some of us, just cannot release the stress. They just don't have the capability. So they believe.

Think about it. How many days a week are you stressed? How are you able to de-stress? Are you able to call your local Personal Spa Therapist?  If not, why not? Our Personal Spa Services are FREE! Why wouldn't you? 

Stress shows in your eyes, mouth, hands, legs, and feet. Believe me or not. People can tell how well your coping with stress by these areas. So, why again are you not calling your local Personal Spa Therapist? We have all the ways to help you relax. 

First! Stressful day right? You need to de-stress, right? Whether it be you, or you and your friends. You need help, right? You call your local Personal Spa Therapist, and give me a time that you want me to come, and de-stress you, and/or your friends. I arrive at your place, and we turn your living room into a Spa room! 

Get ready to take off your shoes, and place them in a glass massaging bowl, full of the warmest water you can stand. Then we place Detox Bath Soak, and Therapeutic Minerals, and feel the stress release from your feet. While you are sitting back relaxing, I'm giving you a mani. Massaging your hands and arms while your sitting back, with your eyes closed, while I've  placed Spa Nourishing pads on your eyes. This is to take the puffiness out of your eyes. Once again, giving you the opportunity to listen to the ocean waves crashing into the land that I have playing into the background. All relaxing, and refreshing. Taking you into a whole new zone of life. 

Letting you relax for 30min after massages have been complete. We further relax you with a facial. I have various facials to choose from, and all are not only de-stress Facials. I have certain ones to match you, and your fragrance style. 

Once the facial, of your choice is applied, I ask that you dry your feet. I apply and massage your feet with detox foot salve. We place your feet in cling wrap, and  a pair of W.H.O. socks. Now, back to your facial while the pedi is doing its job. Keeping you stress free and your relaxing and chatting with the ladies about how you feel. 

One rule I have at my Spas. It's a time to relax. Not a time to bring up work, or stressful conversations. It's all about being positive, and realizing, you can have this everyday in your life. 

Once we have completed your 15min facial, we remove your socks and cling wrap. We rinse your feet and put on the cooling spray. You get to tell me how you feel. I hope to hear, "I feel great! And relaxed!" Then I've done my job, and you didn't have to lift a finger. 

I come to you. You have a seat and sit back. I do all the work. My services are FREE. Why are you not calling your local Personal Spa Therapist again?