Friday, January 25, 2013

Personal Spas

What is a Personal Spa Therapist? Good question...

Personal Spa Therapy is when you sign up with BeautiControl, and receive an 8 hour training class on giving back to others their own way to relaxation, healthy skin, and beautiful skin to the point of reducing the signs of aging.

Join me at and learn how you too can become a Personal Spa Therapist. It's easy, and if you love to help others? This is the business you want to belong to. "Why help place others at the top, when you can place yourself at the top."

Successful Goals

Accomplishing goals is not easy once we start. Staying focused is key. Do not let others, or other things tear down what you would like to accomplish. It is from this, we learn to stay disciplined. Discipline is key to reaching successful goals. Do you easily get side tracked? It happens, but here is how you can stay on task.

I have set short term and long term goals. Short term goals are just that. What you want to accomplish in one week or 30 days. Long term goals are what would you like to accomplish in 6 months to a year time frame.

Don't sell yourself short on what you know you can accomplish. Repeated behavior either good or bad receives the same results.