Monday, January 7, 2013

Peppers & Tomatoes This week?

Peppers provide 2/3 of Alpha & Beta Carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Cryptoxanthin, Zeanxanthin, & ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Nutrients. I KNOW!  WHY DO YOU KEEP GIVING US THIS JARGON. To  help you better understand what your getting from your food intake. So, what is Zeanxanthin? A powerful, Natural Antioxidant that protects your eyes & helps our brain to be protected from free radicals. Zeanxanthin sharpens Central Vision. The more ripen the pepper? The more Vit.C you will receive. One cup of bell peppers RAW! Gives you 43.5% of your daily value in B COMPLEX & VIT. C? 195.8% of your daily diet.

So, what about Tomatoes? Remember, they are a FRUIT. Benefits? LYCOPENE! What is Lycopene? The most imporant antioxidant to fight cancer cell formation. It is NOT naturally produced in your body. No other fruit or vegetable has this much ability to carry Lycopene. One glass of tomato juice daily can keep a person healthy for life! Are you going to incorporate these into you daily living? I AM!