Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Did you know that power naps can rejuvenate your mental health and skin cell rejuvenation? 

When our body has a chance to power nap, not only our we mentally, and physically capable of thinking more clearly. It gives our skin time to rejuvenate and prepare our body to sluff off dead skin. 

Our new Microdermabrasion System assist you with just that. With our new Body Exfoliation system. You can not only take those power naps, but you can prepare the body for exfoliation. With follow up to our Tight Firm and Fill Body Spray. Giving your body sleek, shine and healthy glow.

If you followed my Sun Burnt Part I & II, then you can see why I'm in awe of this great product, and how my body is vastly changing and that healthy glow is all I'm asking for. 

I'm asking you to take a moment to look over the products. How? Schedule a Spa, it's free. Give me the opportunity to help you get your skin healthy. 

More on how to make your skin healthy and happy. Have a great day! More to come! It's time for my nap. 


I love color! When I Host a Glam Spa, color is my most favorite part of the Spa. I've relaxed you, and your ready for a night out. Why not add some color? 

With our new color palates, all is a GO! Choose from Showgirl, or It Girl.. Don't stop there. I love to add the Eye Candy! If you haven't heard of Eye Candy? Then you really need to Host a Glam Spa. 

With our Mineral Eye Palates, you can add a gorgeous array of Eye Candy, and set the whole mood for the night. Soft and subtle, or glitz and glam! Be in the spotlight no matter where your going, or what your doing. 

My goal this week is to discuss how to rid the dead skin cells from not just your face, but your body. Then I want to show you how to make your body, the entire body... Talk of the day. Whether its at work, or it's at school, or it's a night out. 

I will show you how to not only look your best? But! Feel confident in who you are, and how to present your look and appeal. 

The show is just about to begin. See you in about 2 hours for more details. 

Follow me today as we venture into a who new you!