Sunday, July 21, 2013

Is Your Teen Bullied For Acne?

School is coming upon us. Kids are ridiculed daily for their acne. Many parents feel they can only help to a certain degree. I know, why? Because my youngest son had Acne from his face to his chest and back. 

So, what did I do? I looked into BeautiControl's SkinLogics Acne Spot On Treatment. I did a Skin Personal Analysis on him. We knew he had very oily skin, but was it sensitive? Being 15yrs old, not all products are for all types of skin. We chose the Sensitive SkinLogics Duo Spot Treatments and facial wash. Acne disappeared in 5 days. Results were present in the first 24 hours. Couldn't believe how differently he was treated at school. All of a sudden, my kid wasn't hiding his face or making excuses about his acne when he had to change for PE. 

Don't let your child go through these awful experiences. Life can be made easier and sadly as we try to keep bullying out of the school system. It still happens. Even if inadvertently, or as a joke or even really meant to say what they say. Why not help your child build confidence with a small change. 

My child was bullied, talked about, and daily placed into a hole that he didn't think he could get out of. One small conversation and with one order, I received the product in 3 days. 

The product lasts 3 months, and for $30? Changing his life was all worth it. Should it have to be this way? No! Bit it is, and we as parents need to be there to support our children. I don't like bullying! But I don't want my child treated wrongly all because of Acne. It's an ability to change something small into something big. 

You can order online today at www.beautipagecom/mscott and receive it in 3 days. Change your child's life before they return to school..  Pass this along to others in need of small help. It's called SkinLogics Duo Spot Treatment/ Facial wash, and it's worth all of what averages to approximately $10 a month. You will spend more than that on Dra visits, meds, and the possibility of them becoming recluses... Don't let that happen. Help your child.

Let me help you. Their confidence will be stronger and ready to face the first day of school. There's plenty of time. 

What Age Is Your Skin

Did you know that people "think" your age by the way your face appears, your hands appear, and your legs? 

So, if you are 30, and people think you look 40... They are directly looking at there areas and clearly making, what they believe is a true call of your age. However, they are wrong, and your clearly thinking, "OMG did they just say that?" Yes they did. I'm so sorry they offend you.

We can help. It's simple, meets your budget and no more older age talk! 

I'm a smoker, and I'm a social drinker. I don't look it, nor feel it through BeautiControl. You can keep your daily life activities, and look 10yrs younger than you currently do. And why not? 

To start? Just work on the area that you feel bothers you most. I started with my face. I had smoke lines, crows feet, and puffy eyes. Not anymore! The first 3 months I worked on the repairing of my skin. Ridding the crows feet, puffy eyes, and definitely the smoke lines. I don't want to look like I'm 41 and that I smoke. So, I changed it thru dedication to the day and night program. Working on the day program first. Costing me, at that time, $78.... Products last 3 months. That averages out to $26 a month. I was spending more than that on one Over The Counter Product, with no results, a month. Why? Because I was leery to try BeautiControl due to my sensitivity of skin. Guess what? BeautiControl has a product line just for sensitive skin. And, the Personal Analysis with BeautiControl designed my skins needs, that didn't make my skin breakout. Oh! Did I ever have the acne at the age of 41!! Not anymore. 

I've not had one breakout in 6 months with BeautiControl. It's amazing I know, to hear all this. But, it's true and you can see my six month transformation on latest posts. 

From the day program, I worked myself into the night and extras needed to get my skin where it is. I'm at the Maintenance program. Average cost, $17 a month. Remember, all products last 3 months. So, I make the initial purchase, but the average is $17 a month. You spend more than that at the local drug store, or superstore, to keep your skin trying to look healthy, glowing, and all natural. But your not getting the complete skin care health you need, and deserve.

I have ladies that I work with that were skeptical, until today. Today, they tried the product. I sold $400 total and received 2 hostesses from just me showing them how I changed to BeautiControl. They are amazed at how I do a Spa for FREE. Then when their friends and family purchase their needs and desires, plus receive free products. So does the host. There is no reason why a host cannot receive all her program details through our skin analysis at her Spa. 

What does your skin say about your age? Comment, follow me, message me. I'm always here to help. 

Why Not?

On the weekends I work, as a Nurse. Throughout the week? I'm a BeautiControl Consultant. My passion is BeautiControl. 

I've been a nurse for 13yrs. To be frank? I'm burnt out. The hours over the years had taken a toll on me. Not anymore!

BeautiControl saved me! There is always hope to look and feel younger. But is plastic surgery what is really necessary? No!

BeautiControl allows you to have your youth back and the feeling of being young again. So, what's holding you back? 

Our products speak for themselves. Are services to pamper you are FREE! There is not one reason to NOT be pampered. You deserve it! Plus, we can target areas of concern. 

Do you want to Sculpt & Firm your body? So you want to rid scarring or stretch marks? What about that double chin that's been upsetting you for years? I can help. 

Comment, or message me. 

Instant Face Lift

What's all the hype and talk about receiving an Instant Face Lift? Let me tell you what it's all about and more!

Instant Face Lift: removes wrinkles, pitting from damaged skin, crows feet, fine lines, frown lines & more!

See instant results with Instant Face Lift!
When was the last time you let someone pamper you? 

My services are FREE. I've been challenged to do 5 Online Spas by the 30th of July, by my Director. She will take those first 5 that sign up, from my website, and she will send you a FREE gift. 

I will then private message you to all the details, unless you have read them on my Facebook at MLS Spa Therapy. I can't wait to give away product and let you see how BeautiControl works. Not only for you, but for your family, and friends.

Have a great day!!