Friday, January 4, 2013

Carrots In Your Diet?

First impressions of you are made by the look of your skin. The color, texture and how your skin flows, explains your mood and health for that day. Hmm. Never thought about this until yesterday. My doctor told me that my skin was glowing and he hadn't seen me look this good in over a year of treatment. Okay!

Carrots contain Beta-Carotene! Great for eyes and skin! Keep something in mind. Beta-Carotene is found in orange and dark green vegetables. Carrots are an easy, fun snack. Did you know they are packed full of antioxidants, alpha & beta Carotene, Vit C. Cyanidins, & Leutin. All this giving you healthy eyes: inside & out. Carrots contain Flacrinol-a natural pesticide to prevent fungal diseases. Carrots produce a natural anti-inflammatory that prevents red blood cells from clumping, keeping your heart healthy! Last, Vit.A! Flushes your body free from toxins!  Add Beauty Control, and Healthy Eating, right here. and

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