Monday, January 6, 2014

Obesity: Doesn't Have To Rule Your Life

Are you staying a statistic! Don't be a STASTIC anymore. Take the 90 Challenge. If you see and feel results in 90 days, You are #winning... Don't see the results? Send it back for a FULL REFUND! 

Its that simple. I've lost 35 pounds in my first 90 Days. With major health problems. I'm off Vitamin D and B12 shots. Next comes getting off my blood pressure meds, Lasix and Potassium. If you are a diabetic? Let's get you off those meds, and/ or Insulin. It can be done. I've seen it! 

The 'alarming' rise in overweight and obese adults in developing countries is growing into a huge public health burden, says one of the authors of a new report from a UK think tank.

The 130-page report, Future Diets, from the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), which shows a comprehensive analysis of what the world eats, estimates one in three adults around the world is now either overweight or obese, and criticizes governments for failing to tackle the crisis.

It describes how in developing countries, the number of overweight and obese adults has risen from 250 million to nearly a billion in the last 30 years, and numbers are also continuing to rise in richer nations, growing by around 200 million to nearly 600 million over the same period.

Don't let this be you. Fast food is nice once in a while. It's not the healthiest way to go. Loaded with Sodium of which makes the body swell. 

Plus. When you get too much Sodium and not enough Potassium? Some type of exercise and the drinking of water must take place to flush the fast food from hitting the outter linings and attaching to further fat. 

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