Tuesday, May 20, 2014

80 Days Completed!

I am so excited! I've completed 80 Days of my e84 Journey. I cannot wait to reveal the new me! What is hard to convey, it's not just about my body. You can't hear the excitement in my voice through this blog. That's why you need to make sure to follow me on YouTube! That's where you can see and hear how over joyed I am. 

80 Days ago I began a journey that I honestly didn't believe I could stay with. I've done everything regarding "diets". What this is though, is NOT a "diet." It's just what I said earlier, a JOURNEY. Quit the fun one too. 

As you have read. I've set out with my family on this journey. But, for me, we all had individual journeys too. Back in January, 2014. I was told to prepare for the inevitable! No longer being able to walk. No longer able to work. No longer able to be alive. Face it, the doctors told me. No! I wasn't gojng to just "face it." I am a 3 time Cancer Patient. I've battled it 3 times. Over a course of 14 years. I've mastered to acquire 4 degrees during those 14 years, and work. Being told that I was facing another round of chemo/radiation. I shouted "NO"! I told my doctors that they could give up. I wasn't giving up. Let me back up. The month of February, I contemplated giving up. 

What did I need to prove any longer? I had shown my kids that if you want to live, go for your dreams. I told my children ages 20, 17, & 15. You guys are grown. You know what you want out of life. You know that you have to work to get what you want. You can choose to work for someone else. Receive that paycheck, and make other people money. Or you can work for yourself, and make yourself happy. You chose. I have taught my children to stay close to each other, and take care of each other. Even after I'm gone. So, yes. I was going to give up. Here's where your friends make you are reality. Your thankful for them in more than one way. 

I have an awesome best friend, Rhonda. She is also on her own e84 Journey. Rhonda and I are both Nurses, and we are stubborn to the bone. She too was told your done. You can't keep this up, and face it. We talked about it. We didn't think the same way. She's always positive. Always makes you look at the bigger picture. Through two other acquaintances Maria and Tami. I found HOPE. They sent me samples and asked me to "just try it." I honestly couldn't believe the way I felt. 

The first set of samples, I drank the Cafe Rosso, and took the Limitless Capsule. Within the hour, I had more ability to focus, energy, and ability to go. I hadn't felt that in years! I was shocked. I immediately made an appt with my doctors. 

I spoke to all 3 Drs. My Primary doctor, then my Pain Management Dr, and the last but most important, my Cancer Dr. We drew blood, and I explained I wasn't giving up. This was my new task, and my new way to Life! They looked over the EvolvHealth program. Explained that there was NO harmful affects. To try it, and we would stay in touch every 2 weeks. Yes. Every 2 weeks I went in for blood draws, and counseling on "what if". For me? There were no "what if." After the first 28 days. They cleared me for no further talk of Cancer Treatments. My blood work was all "within normal limits." I hadn't heard those words in 5 years. 

Next came my pain management doctor. He couldn't believe that I was demanding my pain meds be reduced. He couldn't believe that Limitless was helping with my pain. So, he set out to get his own. Yes, he started his own e84 Journey. We speak every 2 weeks. We talk about how it's just unheard of for a Pain Managemnet Dr to agree with All Natural Health. Yet, he is under complete understanding why I feel better, and have reduced my break-thru pain meds. Yet, he still keeps a close eye. It's only gotten better. I've not faultered. I've added Yoga to my program twice a week. In 4 more days, I am moving to Yoga every day. I feel that good! 

My eating habits have changed immensely! I receive the protein I need from the shake with Evolv. I drink one a day. Right after my morning workout. I follow up with 4 bottles of water a day. Two of those bottles being one Activate ATP, and one bottle of FIX. 

Activate ATP, I drink mid morning. That's my mid morning boost. After dinner, I drink a FIX, and that calms me down, and allows me to sleep better than I ever have. I was an Insominiac! I could never get a full night of sleep. Since March, I've slept better than ever! Hence, no more medication for sleeping. 

I last saw my MD, primary care Doctor  
last month. (April) he drew blood and told me that I'm better than I was 5 years ago when he first started seeing me. He said it's unbelievable, and now he too is on his very own e84 Journey. He has taken me off every pill ranging from Lasix to Oxycodone. I went from taking 9 medications to 2 medications a day. How do I feel in detail?

I am diagnosed with multi bulging discs, migraines, chronic pain, DJD, Lymphatic Leukemia, left knee replacement, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, endometriosis, anxiety, and flooding of my heart. My pain is, on a scale of 1-10. Daily, a 3. Once I take my Limitless, I can literally watch on those days that the weather is getting to me. I watch the swelling go away. I'm able to walk and keep up with my kids. That entails running from the time we get up.. 5am to at the latest 10pm. We are able to settle in and spend time going over the day. I couldn't do that before. There is no doubt, if I were to stop the program, I would have to go back to pain meds, potassium, and Lasix. As well as blood pressure medications. I don't want those chemicals in my body anymore. Would you? 

I'm able to get up every day, workout twice a day, on Monday, Wesnesday & Fridays. Three times a day on Tuesday and Thursday. I couldn't do that before. Why? Because I have also changed my eating habits. It just naturally occurred. 

I've went from "convenient" food to cooking regularly. Not just any type of cooking. I've switched to fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, organic and gluten free. I've went from drinking 8 to 12 cans of soda to NO Soda! It's amazing! The products change your life. What I've saved in food. Saved in medications, was all worth what I put out for healthier living. Most of all, I receive my products FREE! Just 3 people on the program gets yours FREE! 

When people start to see your skin change. Your body change. Your going to be asked. Are you not going to share the info? Of course your going to share. You want everyone to feel as good as you. When you feel good. You do more. If your doing more, then the body starts to shape. If the body shapes, you need new clothes. When you need new clothes. You turn to the recent fashions. When you reach for the latest in fashion. You get people talking. Next thing you know! You have a Simple Health with Simple Wealth. Receive your C-Prime band, and continue to receive Health Benefits that give you continued strength. 

Bottom line to this blog. DONT GIVE UP! I didn't give up. I spread the word HOPE! Helping Other People Evolv. It's #simplehealth! I've found this amazing program to be, by far, the #simplest program to get healthy and fit. To the people at PointFest, thank you for carding me. For the young lady who thought she had the wrong patient. Thank you! You definitely had the right patient. And yes, I'm 42 years old, proving everyone wrong daily! 


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