Thursday, May 29, 2014

Let Life Beat Me? NO WAY!

Since March of this year, I have fought to be healthy. I'm winning that fight. I'm able to digest food, have increased energy, and be with my kids daily. One thing that will not take me down is my ability to walk and continue to walk. Doctors have tried and are still trying to keep me down. I'm still fighting and winning. 

So, when life hands you a lemon? You better be making Lemonade! Doctors receive major kick backs off of your health. Who do you want to pay? The Doctor? Or you? I think I'll pay me back. If you want to do the same? Continue to read this blog, and many others that I have blogged. 

You can choose to give up. That is certainly your right. Why would you! If money is the issue. Look at how many times you have been to the Doctor this year. How many co-pays did you have to fork out of your pocket? How many years have you done this? As we get older. Of we do not take control of our own health? You will continue to pay out more to Doctors than if you kept that in your pocket and used these healthy sources. 

Think about it. The Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and many other cultures have used herbal, all Natural from the earth to live longer and be healthy. Why do we not do the same? 

EvolvHealth products combined with Organo Gold Gandoderma, will change your life. It did mine. Doctors told me I wouldn't walk much longer. I would be in a wheelchair. I was prescribed a wheelchair and a walker because they were that positive it was going to be that way. They are still in the trunk of my car. Never been used! Why did I pick up the wheelchair and walker? First, I was sure this was it. This was back in January 2014. March 2014, I found EvolvHealth and Organo Gold! My world has changed and I'm still walking. Playing ball with my kids, and loving being free. I'm my own boss, and I'm healthy while I'm doing it. 

Are you going to allow life to take you down? Or are you gojng to live? You can certainly believe them doctors all you want. You may think that they are all caring about you. They don't care. They look at you as just another dollar figure. You just keep taking their advice and picking up those medications. It's your money. Your way of thinking. However, if you never open your mind to fight back. Then you have shortened your own life. 

There are medical conditions that you require medications. I alone have flooding of the heart. I require heart meds. Not able to be controlled. What I do have to monitor my blood pressure. Why? I've found that Evolv Limitless and Gandoderma that I take daily can lower my blood pressure and make me tired. Rarity, but it has happened. Limitless goes in and reduces pain and inflammation. Gandoderma eliminates free radicals to cause cancer, and reduces and regulates blood flow. Depending on the notations from the body. As well, Gandoderma and Mycellium will reduce GERD, increase circulation on a regular level. While decreasing appetite and when you add Grapeseed Oil Capsules? You tighten the skin and eliminate aging processes. 

Add Activate ATP, and increase your energy naturally. Need to reduce stress? Drink a FIX and lower those cortisol levels and stress. Decreasing fat. 

How can you go wrong? People start to ask you what your doing. They want to know. Are you going to tell them? Of course you are! You give them the information, and what did you just do? You paid yourself back and you helped someone save their life too. You helped them from giving their doctor a bonus. 

Are you ready to begin? Let start today! 
EvolvHealth is Simple Health! Get in touch with your health at

Get your Gandoderma started with the pack, at

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