Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Emotional Eating?

Having a bad day? Grabbing that ice cream bucket and sitting around it with a Snickers, Cookies and Dove Chocolates? STOP!!! This is NOT the way to handle stress. Grab a bottle of water and let's talk. 

Stress and bad days go hand in hand. Either way, we desire to dround it in food. That is completely unhealthy. When in the mode of dround it with food. We must take a bottle of water and right after work. Head to the local gym. Taking the stress of your day, or anger, will be released into happier endorphins. Our Serotonin levels rise, as well our endorphin levels rise. Before we know it? We are ready to take on the world! 

So, you don't have a gym membership. That's okay! You can still workout at home. Drink that bottle of water on the ride home. When home. Go straight to change clothes into something more comfortable to work out in. Simple relaxing stretches and breathing will relax you. Muscles will decrease in tension, and you will relax. No longer feeling the need or desire to scarf out! 

Many people have severe disorders with this process. We are here to help. Sometimes, things don't work out in our brain like we would like. If it did, things would be different. I look at it like this. We are all wired differently. I'm different from anyone else. Difference? I'm here to help people enjoy a simple, easy, nutritional, healthy life. It's a lifestyle change. We can make the change. Or we don't. Only YOU can make those decisions. 

Setting yourself up for failure is part of life. We ALL do it. Negative thoughts run through our heads, and we do not have to act upon them. It's a choice we make. Choosing to devour our lives by our own self destruction is the easy way. Choosing to take our anger out in food is what I call inability to re-direct the brain. Sadly, at times this is just too much for self control. 

With Visi and our Professional staff. We can guide you accurately and successfully. Take the GetFitIn '15 Challenge. Sign up today. 

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Michelle Ralls

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