Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Women! Are You Suffering?

Years ago I begged for the Menopause days. I possibly should have kept my mouth shut. I had suffered so much with being a woman. Don't get me wrong. I love being a woman, and many will agree with me. That one time a month....... Well, you just wish it never existed! Many women suffer greatly from their periods. The pain is so intense that many of us miss days from work, and teenagers  miss school. It is not uncommon. 

Menopause comes in stages. You are either Pre-Menopausal, Menopausal, or Post Menapausal..... Lovely right! As if Menopause wasn't enough. Haha.... Your welcome, and I'm very sorry. Many of us feel helpless and just do not understand. When this all begins, there is no warning.... Or is there? 

There are warning signs all over the place. Noticing them, that's a different story. So, what are the signs and how can we get our bodies back into control. We feel as if we are on another planet than everyone else. Quiet frankly, we are! 

Mood Changes: this is where it all begins. Our moods change, and they change drastically. It literally goes from one day you are the absolute sweetest person, and in less than 24 hours. You are the worst peson ever! Small things or comments that would have never bothered you before, wel.... They will eat you alive! You feel no other way than compelled to give your opinion. Sadly, you will give more than an opinion. You will have flown the roof, and the fight begins. What to do! 

Taste Buds: this is where you start showing how odd you are right now. Remember that meat you did not like? Well.... Your eating it and loving it. Your family is shocked, and thu want to know what's up. Thinking it is just a phase. But wait! Remember how you absolutely detested cottage cheese? Your digging in and and having cravings. You desire, like being pregnant, that one item or q couple of items and you have totally freaked out your family and friends. You have started your first excuse as to why your tastes have changed. Why are you doing this...

Night Sweats & Insomina: let the fun begin. Your sleeping habits will change. Dramatically, and you will not notice it until that one Mood Swing from earlier... Yeah, it hits you like a ton of bricks about how you haven't been sleeping very well. Also, that will be the excuse you use.  Face it. You are not sleeping at all. You were the deepest sleeper. A tornado could hit, and you wouldn't have moved. Now you are up and down throughout all hours of the night. Having fun yet? I'm definitely not! I have hit..... NO SLEEP
AT ALL! If I obtain any sleep, it's about 2 hours. That may be over a course of 2 days as well. It's just impossible. You are so ready to sleep, and you feel extremely tired. Lay down and your mind starts twisting and turning. You cannot turn it off. Your mind just races and races. How do I get this to stop! What can I do! 

Hot Flashes & Cold Sweats: this is the best part! What I can say so far..... I'm Miserable! Or..... I was! I have waken up in a pool of sweat. Hot and miserable. Come out the covers and I'm freezing!  This is misery! Showering 3 times in the middle of the night? This is taking the cake and/or pie. Whatever you would like to call it.... Either way? It is awful! Your miserable! What is the answer to get through this horrible time. 

VISI  is the answer! Their New, Revolutionary AC2 Technology has just what every woman needs to assist in mood swings, insomnia, and hot flashes. What has VISI done for me? I can sleep again! 

Without VISI, I would be 10x more miserable! I couldn't sleep, eat, and drink anything. I would desire to sleep through the day, and not just for an hour. Try ALL day sleeping. I would swear I was dying. My heart would race. My body hurt all 
day long, and every day. Do you know what it feels like to feel secluded. Never feeling like you can do what your use to. Vivid images and appearances that you know are not real. Yet, you know it will all end.....just when! 

Visi 10/2 & Chew will end this battle! You can be who you were again. This program has changed my life! Some days I had no energy to move. Now! I move all day long. No more sweating to death and my mind has never been more clearer. If this is what your looking for. I ask you to comtact me, and get started in decreasing these issues. Start living again. Menopause can change your mental aspect. It can be damaging to your future. Please call today. 

Thank you for subscribing to our blog. We look forward to meeting everyone of you. 

Michelle Ralls
Nutrition Consultant

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